View Full Version : PVC and exercise

09-24-2013, 03:24 PM
I want to know of There is anyone who has PVC ( heart skips ) not only while resting but on exercise too.... And would like to know if some of you have An incapacity to deal with normal heart rate increases like to climb stairs ....?

Ps : i am an axiety sufferer for 3 years and all started when i felt my first pvc. After that i devellooped an irracional fear of heart desease that puts me in constant anxiety. I have done all the exams possible .... Like ecg , holter , ecocardiography, treadmill test , heart MRI , CT all body.

Can someone give me An advice??

Thank you !

09-25-2013, 05:14 AM
Does it almost feel astho your heart flutters/vibrates in your chest for a few seconds?

09-25-2013, 06:57 AM
Yes it does !!
Do you have pvc ?
How do you deal with normal tachicardia ??
