View Full Version : Gonna sound stupid here

09-24-2013, 12:28 PM
But I'm seriously having a panic attack here over stupid chest pain and arm pain. I had two fillings today at the dentist and now these pains have started, along with I feel like I'm floating, I'm exhausted and have a bad head. I'm also breathing more deeply and slower. I've had my beta blocker which normally calms me but isn't. Which is panicking me more. I hate anxiety I should be feeling better not having to go back to the dentist for 6 month now, but hey ho it's made me feel anxious they have missed a serious infection or abscess. I'm fed up of feeling like this. Sorry for the rant just sometimes getting it all down helps me :-(

09-24-2013, 01:13 PM
Hi petrified. Really sorry you're going through this. Doesn't sound stupid at all though. I absolutely HATE going to the dentist and fillings are hideous. Especially the injections. They make me feel really ill for the rest of the day and my anxiety goes through the roof.

I told my dentist about this and he said that some people do have bad reactions to lidocaine (the anaesthetic). One reason for this is because lidocaine contains epinephrine, which is adrenaline. A lot of people feel their heart pounding after the injections because epinephrine speeds up your heartbeat. So you aren't imagining this and it isn't "just" anxiety. Your heartbeat really is accelerated from the lidocaine. You are literally being injected with adrenaline!! For this reason, some people ask for a different type of anaesthetic. One that doesn't contain epinephrine. The only problem with this is that, apparently, it isn't quite as effective as an anaesthetic (but it still works).

Anyhow, just wanted to reassure you that it is not uncommon to have a reaction to the dental anaesthetic and that headaches are quite common afterwards. As is an accelerated heartbeat. Maybe you could talk to your dentist about other options next time? By tomorrow at the latest the anaesthetic should be out of your system though. And it's great to hear that your dental work is complete now!! Yay!!

09-24-2013, 01:23 PM
You would have a fever and lots of pain if you had an abcess or infection. Dental infection was one of the worst pains I've ever felt. Have you had the chest pain and arm pain before? Did you get through it? Just try to focus on these things hun... I know it's not easy!!

09-24-2013, 02:08 PM
Hi petrified. Really sorry you're going through this. Doesn't sound stupid at all though. I absolutely HATE going to the dentist and fillings are hideous. Especially the injections. They make me feel really ill for the rest of the day and my anxiety goes through the roof.

I told my dentist about this and he said that some people do have bad reactions to lidocaine (the anaesthetic). One reason for this is because lidocaine contains epinephrine, which is adrenaline. A lot of people feel their heart pounding after the injections because epinephrine speeds up your heartbeat. So you aren't imagining this and it isn't "just" anxiety. Your heartbeat really is accelerated from the lidocaine. You are literally being injected with adrenaline!! For this reason, some people ask for a different type of anaesthetic. One that doesn't contain epinephrine. The only problem with this is that, apparently, it isn't quite as effective as an anaesthetic (but it still works).

Anyhow, just wanted to reassure you that it is not uncommon to have a reaction to the dental anaesthetic and that headaches are quite common afterwards. As is an accelerated heartbeat. Maybe you could talk to your dentist about other options next time? By tomorrow at the latest the anaesthetic should be out of your system though. And it's great to hear that your dental work is complete now!! Yay!!

Thanks tailspin as always you have managed to put my mind at rest. I think I will take your suggestion about a different anesthetic I've just screen shot your reply. I seem to have settled a little now not sure if the anesthetic coming out my system or the propananol working but I'm not complaining. Thanks again for taking the time to reply :-)

09-25-2013, 01:01 AM
You would have a fever and lots of pain if you had an abcess or infection. Dental infection was one of the worst pains I've ever felt. Have you had the chest pain and arm pain before? Did you get through it? Just try to focus on these things hun... I know it's not easy!!

Thank you yeah I often get chest and arm pain and like you said I have survived lol. I actually fell asleep just feel worse today :-(