View Full Version : New member...some help or advice greatly appreciated!

09-24-2013, 11:27 AM
Hi all,

I'm a brand new member to this website and to forums in general so i apologise if i've posted this in the wrong place!
I also apologise that this might turn out to be a rather long post!

I've come here as a kind of facing up to reality/last resort thing!
I will try and keep this shorter than a 1000 page novel!

Basically, i've been doing some real research into my symptoms for a few months now. I guess in the back of my mind i've always thought that anxiety could be a potential cause but i've never really had anybody to talk to about it, most people just say it's all 'in my head' which i'm sure most of you have had as well.

To start from the somewhat beginning and without going into too much detail, i've had a somewhat 'different' lifestyle compared to others, to keep this short i shall just briefly list the ones that have had the biggest impact on me: The death of a parent when i was 14 years old, dealing with my sister who was severely anorexic, developed an alcohol addiction and a drug addiction and also has mental issues, my brother who also developed a drug addiction, and has a 'self-destructive' attitude i.e likes to make me worry about him!

There have been various other things such as a lack of emotional support for me mainly after my parent died - i didn't deal with it at all...took on the 'i'm fine' attitude.

But, more to the point, for the last 10 years i've been experiencing dizziness, fatigue and loads of other anxiety symptoms. They started when i was about 15 years old but were very sparse and consisted of me being fine one minute then suddenly i would get pins and needles in my teeth and nails (just those places), also my vision would alter and things that were near me would look far away and vice versa and also my speech would slur and i wouldnt be able to talk properly, i feel its good to mention here that i never at any point was panicky or feeling like i was going to die, i.e. it didn't bring on the general panic attack emotions.
Fast forward a few years and they stopped happening and i developed a constant dizzy feeling, not like things were spinning but just feeling like i was sinking or trapped in a bubble.
The present day (which has resulted in me coming to this site) is basically a constant dizzy feeling that gets worse when i know that i have to go outside for example College or to work, i've actually quit jobs because i couldn't cope with having to struggle and push myself through my shift. My sleeping is broken, i wake up around 3-4 times throughout the night, although i have noticed its mainly in the early morning from 3am onwards, once waking up properly to start the day i can't shake off the feeling that i've not properly woken up (if you get what i mean) still groggy etc. I can manage to pay attention to things pretty well, i don't loose focus and my mind doesn't wander, i don't feel depressed or sad although the dizziness is starting to make me loose my 'zest' for life. My vision is a bit awol, i have glasses that i only need to wear when reading etc but i've started wearing them constantly as otherwise i feel 'unprotected'. I guess, the dizzy and tired feeling is ruling my life, i wake up and spend a few moments trying to estimate how bad i'll feel for that day, as i know it'll range from being severe to me being able to just about cope with it, i NEVER get a day where i feel fine, the dizziness and tiredness is always there, whether i'm at home all day or out and about - but like i mentioned it does get a lot worse when im outside or in social situations with people i don't know (just started a college course and the first lesson was such a struggle for me), i worry alot, not about death or injury but i have college one day a week yet, i spend the entire week worrying about it, am i going to feel dizzy during the lesson? what do i do if i faint during the lesson? things like that.

I've had every blood test you can imagine and it's all come back fine!
I was meant to have an ECG as i get heart palpitations but i never saw it through as i personally don't feel like its a heart problem...might be regretting saying that soon!

Anyway, i'll leave it there as i think this is getting a big long now, so apologies for that!

Any advice or help would be appreciated so, so much as this is seriously starting to affect my life, i literally don't want to go outside! Also will mention that i'm taking herbal sleeping aids, rescue remedy, multi-vitamins, iron supplements, acidophilus (for IBS) and a few other herbs that are meant to combat fatigue...and none of them make any difference! Yey!

Thank you for any answers!

09-24-2013, 12:37 PM
Out of interest, have you tried an anti-depressant?

09-24-2013, 12:40 PM
Out of interest, have you tried an anti-depressant?

Hi jessed,

No, i've been prescribed them in the past but never took them - i think i got too worried about the side effects 'may cause depression and suicidal tendencies'...not the most reassuring of side effects to have on an anti-depressant!