View Full Version : Really struggling today!!
09-24-2013, 10:59 AM
I'm really struggling today! :( my boyfriend broke up with me a week ago and my parents went on holiday today, for two weeks. My brothers away at uni so I'm literally all alone in at home!
I know it's stupid but I feel so abandoned. I'm really not sure how I'm going to cope for the two weeks my parents are away! I'm feeling so down and can't be bothered to do anything. I've also completely lost my appetite. I'm trying to put a brave face on but I just feel so lonely.
Anyone experienced similar or have any advice?
09-24-2013, 11:12 AM
Wow, tough time!!
No surprises you're feeling so bad. You feel how you feel, nothing's stupid :)
I don't think you can just make feelings go away, I think you have to replace them with other, better feelings.
If you feel lonely, wanna talk, pm me, I'll tell you the funniest ever joke. I can't post it here, cos its like way too funny, everyone will laugh their asses off, and be cured of anxiety. Then the moderators will ban me for taking away their popular forum. (Ok, slight exaggeration) but don't stay feeling lonely, the world is too big! I, and I'm sure lots of others here will be honoured to give you a little company.
09-24-2013, 01:08 PM
Thank u, that did make me smile a bit :)
I think I would've been ok had I not have split from my bf. the fact that I also don't get his reasoning doesn't help lol. But that, combined with my parents going away, is just upsetting me so much! Two weeks just feels like a lifetime away and I don't know how I'm going to cope!
I'm back to work tomorrow though so Ill just try to keep myself busy I guess!
Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 04:10 PM
Yes! Loss of appetite, freaking out, feeling alone.... That's all me. Lol. Hang in there. Try and invite some friends over and see if that helps
09-24-2013, 06:05 PM
Hope tomorrow is much better for you. I find talking with anyone about anything is a helper at work.
You'll be okay :( Just try to do things that get your mind off of it--anything at all. A game, doodling on a piece of paper, reading a book. Let your mind let go of it and you'll feel you were able to go ages feeling just fine. It's tough when a lot of rough things happen at once, but you can do it.
09-24-2013, 08:26 PM
It always seems like its the worst thing ever but in reality it is an opportunity for you to find someone who actually deserves you . In every down there's an up! And usually more its like a slingshot almost you have to pull the sling to get a far shot!
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