View Full Version : Natural Attack

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 09:30 AM
So I'm doing my last hazzah of natural remedies before I give it up to medications. Instead of attacking the relaxation side of anxiety treatments (though I'll continue to do so) I'm now finding natural treatments/ ways to actually bring up my Serotonin levels. If anyone knows of any methods that have worked for them, please let me know. I'm currently:
Changing my diet and eating things like:
Whole grains
Flax seed
And more

I'm going to be taking supplements like:
Fish oil
St Johns Wart
Evening Primrose

I'm going to be sunbathing without sunscreen in 20 min intervals (to avoid sunburn but to get the UVB rays and vitamin D)

Sleep 8 hours every night. No more. No less.

Exercise regularly

Take up Yoga to loosen muscles, learn relaxation techniques, build up core and back strength to improve posture and relieve lower back pain

Perform Progressive Muscle Relaxation every night before bedtime.

And finally, I have weekly sessions with a therapist to work on relaxation techniques and (hopefully) get to the bottom of what's causing my brain so much angst.

If any of you have any tips for me, I'd really appreciate it. For those of you who are new to these methods, maybe try them out with me? I mean... I'm to the point where I'm willing to try anything

09-24-2013, 09:48 AM
Add magnesium and 2000mgs of Vitamin C to your sups. Helps with stress management and adrenal health. All in all a damn good living plan. I've had a lot of success in the past using just half of that plan.

A little advice I think will be helpful -- it's natural when you spend a bit of money and put in a lot of effort to want fast progress, and to monitor how things are changing, but I've always found it unhelpful. You can talk yourself in and out of anything, and putting in such extreme effort to remove something, can in some cases give it more power. It's a demonstration of how much you dislike it, and how much it bothers you, and that's always a state of being that keeps anxiety hanging around.

Do your stuff, then just completely forget it. Pay no attention to what's happening, any changes, and improvements or problems (unless serious) for at least a few months. Totally focus your mind on something completely unrelated. Get into a non health related project, dedicate yourself to a hobby, learn a new skill. Keep your mind away from prodding at a healing wound. Not only will this naturally improve your mood and self esteem, but it will allow your body to do what it's gotta do, without the extra anxiety we place on it regarding getting better.

Too often I found myself taking on healthy living plans and asking, is it better yet? Is it working? Do I feel good? Etc etc, and as the old adage goes 'a watched kettle never boils'

Other than that, you're putting yourself in the best possible position for good health. :) Maybe if there are any stand out differences you can write them here. Good luck!

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 10:01 AM
Add magnesium and 2000mgs of Vitamin C to your sups. Helps with stress management and adrenal health. All in all a damn good living plan. I've had a lot of success in the past using just half of that plan. A little advice I think will be helpful -- it's natural when you spend a bit of money and put in a lot of effort to want fast progress, and to monitor how things are changing, but I've always found it unhelpful. You can talk yourself in and out of anything, and putting in such extreme effort to remove something, can in some cases give it more power. It's a demonstration of how much you dislike it, and how much it bothers you, and that's always a state of being that keeps anxiety hanging around. Do your stuff, then just completely forget it. Pay no attention to what's happening, any changes, and improvements or problems (unless serious) for at least a few months. Totally focus your mind on something completely unrelated. Get into a non health related project, dedicate yourself to a hobby, learn a new skill. Keep your mind away from prodding at a healing wound. Not only will this naturally improve your mood and self esteem, but it will allow your body to do what it's gotta do, without the extra anxiety we place on it regarding getting better. Too often I found myself taking on healthy living plans and asking, is it better yet? Is it working? Do I feel good? Etc etc, and as the old adage goes 'a watched kettle never boils' Other than that, you're putting yourself in the best possible position for good health. :) Maybe if there are any stand out differences you can write them here. Good luck!

Thank you so much! I hadnt thought of the "forget a out it" thing that way. I know I check in on it a LOT to see if it's getting any better. I'll definitely try to let it be.

I'll also try those supplements. I've heard a lot of good things about magnesium in particular :)

09-24-2013, 10:16 AM
We all seem to be like that. I'm even like it with headache tablets, checking every 30 seconds to see if the headache is going haha..

What part of the world do you live in by the way, where you have to worry about sunburn in near October?

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 10:24 AM
We all seem to be like that. I'm even like it with headache tablets, checking every 30 seconds to see if the headache is going haha.. What part of the world do you live in by the way, where you have to worry about sunburn in near October?

Missouri, USA. The Ozarks are wonderful if you light it sleeting one day and sunny in the 90's the next :P

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 10:25 AM
Missouri, USA. The Ozarks are wonderful if you light it sleeting one day and sunny in the 90's the next :P

Like** lol. Stupid iphone

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 10:27 AM
Heck we can get sunburn if there's snow on the ground! The snow jsut magnifies the light. Lol... That and Im Casper the Ghost because i'm Irish. So I burn ULTRA easy

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 10:30 AM

This is a picture of my college campus taken at 11:30 today. :) bright and cheery.

09-24-2013, 10:41 AM
It looks beautiful.

Being from London I find myself craving green space lately. Weather there sounds close to bipolar though!!

I get the spelling mistakes on my ipad too lol, don't sweat it. It randomly enters certain words in caps, so I sometimes come across quite preachy, like one of those late night religious channels.

You must RENOUNCE anxiety, and put your FAITH in Prozac!! :p

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 10:50 AM
It looks beautiful. Being from London I find myself craving green space lately. Weather there sounds close to bipolar though!! I get the spelling mistakes on my ipad too lol, don't sweat it. It randomly enters certain words in caps, so I sometimes come across quite preachy, like one of those late night religious channels. You must RENOUNCE anxiety, and put your FAITH in Prozac!! :p

I've heard the weather in London is real rainy. Since Missouri's in the middle of the state, we usually get the aftermath of all the hurricanes Nd we get a TON of tornadoes. They don't call us "Tornado ally" for nothing. But the rest of the time it's gorgeous here. We definitely have all 4 seasons though. It's GORGEOUS temperature wise in the fall. In the 60's-80's. Then winter hits and it drops down to the 20's-30's..... Sometimes it can get below freezing but it's rare and usually those are Ice Storm days (we have a lot of those in early winter and early spring).

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 10:51 AM
I've heard the weather in London is real rainy. Since Missouri's in the middle of the state, we usually get the aftermath of all the hurricanes Nd we get a TON of tornadoes. They don't call us "Tornado ally" for nothing. But the rest of the time it's gorgeous here. We definitely have all 4 seasons though. It's GORGEOUS temperature wise in the fall. In the 60's-80's. Then winter hits and it drops down to the 20's-30's..... Sometimes it can get below freezing but it's rare and usually those are Ice Storm days (we have a lot of those in early winter and early spring).

Blond moment. By below freezing I mean below 0 F

09-24-2013, 11:19 AM
So redheads get blonde moments too! :)

I couldn't even imagine what a tornado is like, seriously. They seem spooky whenever I see footage on the news. Seeing one may have to go on my bucket list.

You said you're at college, what are you studying?

Olive Yew
09-24-2013, 11:29 AM
So redheads get blonde moments too! :) I couldn't even imagine what a tornado is like, seriously. They seem spooky whenever I see footage on the news. Seeing one may have to go on my bucket list. You said you're at college, what are you studying?

Lol yes. I'm more of a strawberry blonde so yeah i have blonde moments... And the anxiety crap doesn't improve things either :P

I've never been in a big one. We had like an f1 go by my neighborhood once but it was only strong enough to throw our lawn chairs across the yard. However there was one not far from us that completely demolished the town and killed a bunch of people. That one was really sad :(

I'm studying Wildlife Biology :)

Olive Yew
09-26-2013, 07:33 AM

This is Multi vitamin, B5, B Complex, D3, Herbal stress response, and probiotic

Then I night I take the herbal stress response again at dinner time, and I have another one that boosts Serotonin levels that I take before bed time... Along with fish oil....

I feel like an old woman....
Grandma voice: "Hold up sonny! I gotta take my pills! Young whippersnappers..."