View Full Version : Heart flutters/ jumps for a month....help!

09-24-2013, 12:27 AM
I have been having heart flutters for a month or so. Some days I have them ALL day very frequently and other days just a few. Is this normal for anxiety? To have them that long and frequent. I have had them before, but not this bad. They are driving me insane!! They are truly taking away the joy from my days.

09-24-2013, 11:51 AM
I was like that and my dr put me on a beta blocker. It helped a lot. They told me it was all a body response to my "anxious state". Good luck :)

09-24-2013, 01:25 PM
Thank you :) just that small response made me feel better.

09-24-2013, 01:27 PM
You are welcome, if you have any other questions let me know. I went through a terrible time last year with heart palps and flutters :)

09-24-2013, 01:50 PM
I also suffer from Heart Flutters they seem to come on even when I'm sitting on the sofa relaxes watching TV that I don't understand. Which makes me think could it be something more I went to my GP and explained the symptoms and I'm now booked into my local hospital for tests. I find they come on more just before my period and some times I can go for weeks without a flutter then another week I could have them non stop. I do suffer from an Anxiety Disorder so I don't rule out Anxiety but like all anxious suffered we need that reassurance that it's nothing serious. I wish you well with your journey xxx

09-25-2013, 01:15 AM
Thank you!
Yeah, I want to call my doc, but then again I don't wanna waste the time. I've been to a cardiologist about heart flutters a year ago and everything was normal. They were not too bad today until about 12:00 this morning. Crazy!!

09-25-2013, 12:10 PM
Yeah I've had these for years. Like you some days I might only get one or two episodes that only last a couple of seconds. Other times they will last for several hours and be almost constant. It is very disturbing but it is just anxiety. I've had just about every test under the sun for it and every single one came back negative. The big problem for me was that as I didn't ever really feel anxious or stressed before getting the palps I wouldn't allow myself to believe that it was just anxiety and for years just pushed my GP for test after test to find a problem that wild explain it. Only now after having CBT treatment do I fully understand that whilst I didn't feel anxious before having the palps I had basically conditioned myself to be on a hair trigger 24/7 expecting the palps. I truly didn't believe I was anxious but now comparing how I felt then to how I feel now I can see that my anxiety levels were absolutely through the roof!

So rest assured, you've been checked out there isn't anything wrong with you. It is simply anxiety and you CAN beat it. I do still get palps from time to time but now they are usually just one or two single ones a day and often none at all. The secret is knowing how not to respond to them.

09-25-2013, 10:55 PM
Peak- Thank you for the encouragement. I am working on the mind thing. I try to tell myself it is just anxiety, but then I get another flutter and the cycle starts all over again. They are not as bad as they were, but they are still lingering. I do have them really bad around my period and they seem to get better after, until it rolls around again. They are never completely gone and it worries me like crazy.

09-26-2013, 12:20 AM
Mistiblue - I can totally relate. Mine are also my apparent a week before my period isn't that strange would you think that maybe Hormone level change might have something to do with it? I would Google but I've learnt self diagnosing on Google can make me feel worse.

09-26-2013, 04:33 AM
I can totally relate im exactly the same only last week I had them every single day to the point they made my chest feel sore. . I havent had on for a couple of days but I did wake up lastnight with a racing heart I also try to convince myself its my anxiety but when thwy get more frequent I start to spin out of control. . I think I could do with cbt x