View Full Version : Herbal supplements

09-23-2013, 09:40 PM
Just wanted to share.....
I started taking the brand Now supplements True Focus (because I sometimes feel my mind is a blank) True Calm ( because I have horrible physical and mental anxieties) & Mood Support (because I feel I have been in a funk the past year).
I must say I actually do feel better. The most obvious change for me has been that I have had no pounding/racing heart all week!!!!! This makes me so happy. I got up today after starting the supplements Friday and had energy (enough to clean my baseboards, rearrange my pantry and Tupperware cabinet)! I really hope this feeling continues and only gets better. At this point I am urging anyone that has struggles like mine to give it a shot!

09-24-2013, 11:06 AM
I've not seen any of these as I would like to give anything a go after failing at Prozac.

09-24-2013, 11:20 AM
Have you stopped drinking alcohol too?

09-24-2013, 11:29 AM
Have you stopped drinking alcohol too?

I haven't stopped drinking, but I just have some wine at night. ;-)

09-24-2013, 11:30 AM
I've not seen any of these as I would like to give anything a go after failing at Prozac.

You can order them all on amazon.com

09-24-2013, 11:37 AM
I haven't stopped drinking, but I just have some wine at night. ;-)

Nice! I only ask because in one of your last posts, you were drinking with the best of 'em and made mention of stopping or slowing down - I was just curious as to if that helped.

09-24-2013, 11:47 AM
Nice! I only ask because in one of your last posts, you were drinking with the best of 'em and made mention of stopping or slowing down - I was just curious as to if that helped.

Yeah, I'm slowing down for sure.

09-25-2013, 12:53 AM
This is great can you please keep us updated. Im very interested in this subject.

09-25-2013, 09:58 AM
This is great can you please keep us updated. Im very interested in this subject.

Will do! Really feeling better so far, especially the pounding heart.

09-26-2013, 12:41 AM
Just wanted to share.....
I started taking the brand Now supplements True Focus (because I sometimes feel my mind is a blank) True Calm ( because I have horrible physical and mental anxieties) & Mood Support (because I feel I have been in a funk the past year).
I must say I actually do feel better. The most obvious change for me has been that I have had no pounding/racing heart all week!!!!! This makes me so happy. I got up today after starting the supplements Friday and had energy (enough to clean my baseboards, rearrange my pantry and Tupperware cabinet)! I really hope this feeling continues and only gets better. At this point I am urging anyone that has struggles like mine to give it a shot!

They look pretty good and have quite a few things that can increase norepinephrine. You should try them with some NOW Super Cortisol Support. Don't know if they will interact together of anything but they're what I've just brought with some L-Phenylalanine to increase Norepinephrine levels to get rid of the brain fog.

09-26-2013, 02:03 AM
So it would be ok to take all 3 together? What I mean by that is one won't dis compliment another? or are they really all separate, also what would you mean when you say "in a funk?" :)

09-26-2013, 09:13 AM
So it would be ok to take all 3 together? What I mean by that is one won't dis compliment another? or are they really all separate, also what would you mean when you say "in a funk?" :)

I take the focus and mood in the am ..... A calm at lunch if I need it and at bed time.

07-13-2018, 03:02 PM
I have anxiety and have the true focus which I bought for another reason year ago. How do you feel on the true calm?

07-13-2018, 05:20 PM
This thread is five years old with no recent posts or activity from any of the above users. Might be best to start you own thread on the topic. What other methods do you use when dealing with anxiety levels that disrupts your life.

Do you understand the concept of anxiety being a normal part of our daily lives? More so that the disorder with GAD is more to do with the levels?

07-13-2018, 05:41 PM
This thread is five years old with no recent posts or activity from any of the above users. Might be best to start you own thread on the topic. What other methods do you use when dealing with anxiety levels that disrupts your life.

Do you understand the concept of anxiety being a normal part of our daily lives? More so that the disorder with GAD is more to do with the levels?
I’ve seen anxiety in my family since I was a child and seeing psychologist since months. My dad, multiple uncles, grandfather had/have ocd and my mother and all her siblings have anxiety. I know anxiety is normal but it’s not normal to dry heave all day long. I’ve been on pills. Just came onto forum to read what other ppl are doing and taking as supplements. NATROL® STRESS ANXIETY DAY & NITE I was just reading about and seems like good reviews

07-13-2018, 08:46 PM
I put up a link in your other thread with respect to causes and remedies for dry heaving. I don't have issues with promoting Google, but will say it takes a lot of effort to get to the bottom of core issues. It will require a lot of researching and vigilant discernment to sift through all the all marketing hype. The only way you will ever determine the value of a product is to try it for yourself. I've just noted a 3 star rating on that product in one place then a 5 start rating at another. Whilst user review can make a good gauge of products ... when it comes to the consumption of organic products; such reviews are obscure once you understand the science behind synergism. Can't quite remember ... did you say you had issues seeing a doctor about this problem?

If you want to know about medication for anxiety ... I suggest you don't base your decision on the experience of others. Again for the reasons as I mentioned above. The medication subsection in here and other mental health forums are more for commiseration than any kind of place to warrant making informed decisions. Experimentation with antidepressant and antipsychotics have been known to destroy lives and why some mental health forums ban the discussions of medications online. I think people should be able to talk about whatever ... I'm just noting the danger and complacency in which forum members typically talk about the use of drugs when it comes to maintaining their levels of anxiety.

On a brighter note, there have been the odd forum user in here either on meds or not that talk about a number of natural ways in which they deal with anxiety.

It's probably best to start a new thread as opposed to this 5 year old one. Dahila uses a lot of herbs to good affect, but that's her story. I have also had good results, however note they only work when I have been looking after myself. When I eat garbage like any kind of bread or simple carbs in simple forms ... have sugar, salt and all the other yummy and addictive sweets and sauced on my foods, start eating more than I need ... basically when I am using food for comfort beyond a certain points - NONE - of the supps or herbs do jack for me. You really have to be living clean to get any of the wondrous testimonial effects.

Becoming sick is a good incentive to understanding these dynamics of which I speak. This view I have come to see through years of my own ups and downs. I've been through the dry mouth, dry heaving, all the way down to a ripped ass hole from constant constipation. Nothing new ... quite common actually. We are a sick bunch that's always on the look for a quick fix. The more quick fixes people buy into, the more problems arise and the more Googling they do.

My New Book:
From Dry Heaving to Ripped Assholes

Just kidding ... best of luck sorting your problem out. :):)
I've learned how to handle mine. Although at times it can be a case of "ouch! - I'll never eat that again!" Food & Lifestyle works for me.

07-13-2018, 09:07 PM
Jokes aside ... I do suffer from many of the elements in the following article. When I get on top of my anxiety it is considerably less of an issue. Also understanding the processes can help to control the intensity and thus assist with a good mental approach when undertaking long term solutions that typically deal with the core of one's anxiety. ... and yes medication may be a part of that journey:

Anxiety Symptoms Series: Gagging (https://www.healthcentral.com/article/anxiety-symptoms-series-gagging) (Dry Heaving is also mentioned)

07-14-2018, 04:52 AM
So how does a healthy diet help anxiety? What is the science behind it? I just figured it was all in your mind. The only thing I was told so far is drinking water and deep breathing. But I can’t blow out through my mouth for deep breathing as the gagging urge is there and defeats the purpose. Just wondering when I feel sick what should I tell myself? Should I say oh it’s only anxiety live with it or try change topic in my mind?

07-14-2018, 06:32 PM
So how does a healthy diet help anxiety? What is the science behind it? I just figured it was all in your mind. The only thing I was told so far is drinking water and deep breathing. But I can’t blow out through my mouth for deep breathing as the gagging urge is there and defeats the purpose. Just wondering when I feel sick what should I tell myself? Should I say oh it’s only anxiety live with it or try change topic in my mind?

Nytro for me quitting all grain were a God send, my anxiety went down so much I do not think I had more that two or three sleepless nights in the last 2 years. The routine of getting up early helps too, It does not matter how long I sleep I do get up at 6:20 ,, Then there is meditation. Nothing can match the effect of meditation. If you have problem to start it, try Jon Kabat Zinn ; guided meditation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=espfm5_YvBU
tons of videos ,,,,,, do not take any supplements except magnesium Bisglycinate ( I take one pill a day 200 mg) helps with anxiety, then vitamin D3 we all are deficient of that. All vitamins from group B helps with anxiety. The best it to eat a small amount of nuts (walnut) everyday, To have a half of avocado, at least 5 servings of veggies, No junk food ,

07-14-2018, 07:39 PM
Smiles -

It's like asking "How does Healthy Food Keep Us Healthy?"

Did a huge post ... but because I am using my new user name ... It had to be moderated and thus as we have none it will not show up. :) lol

Dude ... Slow Down. Understanding the science is fun and can help ... but useless if you don't do the experiments yourself.

There are many elements to ones health ... failing on one area impedes the other.

07-15-2018, 02:00 AM
Nytro - Stay tuned ... I will better explain this angle on Food as it relates to life style choices - Forgive the use of my other username. Until I hit 25 posts the length of my response is drastically reduced. Give me a little more time. Forgive my weird sense of humor and or bias. I genuinely get that your frustrated and looking for answers. Keep posting ... but do please consider starting your own threads, think more about your titles and what it is your really looking for. Also consider answering your own questions in whatever style or voice that bests suits you. I often write as if I am my own audience and whilst there may be a lot of cons to doing just that, imo there are more pros. Keep asking the questions - but make sure to answer them yourself with personal experience being the ongoing bases for your findings or ongoing reflections.

I tackle your question a little later. Just wanted give you some kind of validation for making the effort in joining the forum and reaching out; as to apologize for my quirky ways.

07-15-2018, 04:48 AM
No worries bud. For some reason I couldn’t post threads. I am facing my fears by putting myself in situations I don’t like and I found it was making me so much better until I had a set back when my little guy joined soccer. The set back is I have to wait all day for soccer so I dwell on it all day. Making the moment to go so much worst and I’m crazy nervous and I did dry heave and ever since the sick nausea stomach is there. I just wish there was something to relax me while I faced my fears. I was on clonzapam for 3 months but when I was on that I didn’t face my fears. I just changed the ways I did situations which probably wasn’t a good idea. But I gave them up then did a lot of social stuff which more I did it the better I felt. As a kid when I was nervous I would throw up but it went away when got older. I was always nervous about new stuff but biggest problem is having time... meaning if I was driving then stopped in to a group of ppl I be fine. But if I was told in 6 hours I be going there... then I would drive myself crazy all day. I used to be very sociable in school ( done now 10 years) but kept to my girlfriend and didn’t socialize too much only at work but when I had panic attack from a confine space then it all just triggered downhill. I’m looking forward for all the posts here and meeting lots of people

07-15-2018, 04:50 AM
Also I know some threads on here like from paniccured say to use lots of herbs. And another post on here saying to use amino acids and magnesium

07-15-2018, 05:54 AM
When you hit 25 posts ... you will be able to post a lot more words. :) - Links - pics and all kinds of things. Yes ... Anxiety symptoms. Keep working on the core. Feelings. Just like you are. You can't let go of stuff that has never really been expressed. Anxiety or Panic is not for the curing, however paniccured wrote about it in his own way that made/makes sense to him. How you interpret is your own spin. No one can tell another, only guide them according to their own desire and experience where in the end only us as individuals can make the final conclusion.

Like any other forum ... we have lot's of posts here claiming all kinds of things ... what may work for one may not for another, just as what does not work for one may work for someone else. There are no wrongs or rights ... only what we do for ourselves. It's all in the way we seek and give I suppose. That's what I am coming to learn, yet don't propose to know much else. There is no quick fix to this thing we call life ... yet I concede there are indeed aids that help. Balance is key. It's all an evolutionary process.

At any rate ... keep posting because you have nearly hit your 25 posts. Then you can work on those core issues and really let it RIP! :)

I'm off to bed ... catch up later.

07-15-2018, 08:54 AM
Thanks man, yes I know core is social anxiety just like to get them nausea feeling down.. not sure what ppl on here take for it