View Full Version : avelox question

11-28-2007, 12:44 AM
My doc gave me some avelox for an sinus and chest infection. I got this same type thing 3 weeks ago, took some zithromax for 3 days, 2 days short of the prescribed time. I got off it because I had extreme pain in the stomach. Before this I hadn't taken antibiotics for 20 years or more.

This time the doc gave me avelox. It is working great, no side effects except one... I read the warnings and then some forums and there are many side effects, bad ones.

I have taken the avelox for 2 days and am now freaking out about the side effects, specifically the anxiety one and other brain troubles. I do not think the avelox is causing anything but I am still freaked out about it and am in an "anxiety" frame of mind. I know you know what I mean. And of course am worried the avelox is precipitating the anxiety. Don't think so, but who knows for sure.

Now I would appreciate some advice on what to do. Stop the antibiotic again before completion of the regimen is what I want to do just to be on the safe side, but then I would have to convince the doc to give me another choice which can have side effects too or just quit and take a chance the infection won't come back with vengeance. You know the typical "anxiety" round robin in my mind and in "real" life this time.

Any insight would be helpful. If you know the answer please tell.

Day 2 in case someone wants to know.

I went ahead and had a full blown anxiety attack last night over this stuff and didn't sleep a wink. Decided I would not take anymore avelox. Just too many side effects/adverse drug reactions to consider. But since I got my self so worked up about it, that was the only reasonable choice.
By chance was going to my therapist today and felt good about my decision. Hate that I got so freaked out about this but being slipped a "mickey' that could cause my worst fears is not something I care to chance if I have a choice. I know I would most likely not had any bad reaction but the idea stuck in my head that it was possible and that was it for me. Not paranoid, just prepared. Aren't Jedi's supposed to know the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom spoke, I obeyed.

Anyway, being so uptight and anxiety upped I got a little worried about getting a panic attack or anxiety attack about something else and keep myself up another night. I thought about this and talked myself right out of that. Been there before and done it, have some experience on dealing with those things and feel I am in command with dealing with that and will make it through one way or another as I have done before.

I know God loves us anxiety prone people the most!