View Full Version : new member health anxiety

09-23-2013, 02:59 PM
Hi all my names viv im 28 and suffered with anxiety on and off for ten years. iv recently had my fourth child and afterwards had severe anxiety and postal depression. im on ad at the moment and the depression has settled but the anxiety is driving me insane. i convince myself that im going to die i have aches and pains and convince myself my body is shutting down or if my throats sore i have throat cancer. I ended up in a mother and baby mental hospital for a short time because my anxiety was that bad i couldn't eat or sleep or think outside the box. It seemed to settle down and now its crept back again im not as bad as i was but i have really bad tension in my neck and shoulders can someone put my mind at rest and tell me they've experienced this too just so i know im not completely mad just yet. Thank you and im glad there's a forum for us all to talk to people who can actually understand :)

09-23-2013, 06:21 PM
I have A LOT of the same thoughts/issues. I am 30, I have also suffered on an off for 14 years, after my first child was born. I now have 4 children, the youngest 15 mo, and I feel like my anxiety has reached a peak again. I swear I think some of this is hormonal! My biggest fear is getting so wrapped up in my anxiety, that I just lose it and have to be put away.. I try so hard to just keep it under control. I just feel like I'm in constant fear. I have chest pains and the first thing that comes to mind is a hear attack! I use to have headaches and I just knew I had a brain tumor! It's exhausting. Anxiety sucks!!

09-23-2013, 09:15 PM
You aren't the only two suffering with health anxiety. I have been dealing with bad anxiety for about 8 months now and it comes and goes like a rollercoaster.. my anxiety is all based on fear of passing out, fainting or having a serious illness or disease.. ever since I found out about my arachnoid cysts and just recently might have celiac disease but not yet confirmed.. its so stressful depressing...

09-24-2013, 12:34 AM
Thank you for your replies it is a vicious circle and apparently hormonal. Mine tends to be worse in the morning i wake up and just wait to start feeling panicked which is really bad i know but omg its a nightmare. Its as if anxiety is all i can think about lately :-( i hate it

09-24-2013, 01:28 PM
Thank you for your replies it is a vicious circle and apparently hormonal. Mine tends to be worse in the morning i wake up and just wait to start feeling panicked which is really bad i know but omg its a nightmare. Its as if anxiety is all i can think about lately :-( i hate it

I have days like this also, and some good. I have noticed that my anxiety is worse the week before and the week of my period... That's what leads me to believe there is a hormonal link to this..

09-24-2013, 01:33 PM
I have days like this also, and some good. I have noticed that my anxiety is worse the week before and the week of my period... That's what leads me to believe there is a hormonal link to this..

ABSOLUTELY ladies!! I had the worst post-partem depression and anxiety, and my anxiety is WAY worse that time of the month. I know what you mean. I feel relatively good, with daily smaller bouts of anxiety, for two weeks of the month, and the other two are just awful. I have been putting off having another child, which the two of us want badly, because of those issues. I will be starting a low-dose med this week, and I'm really hoping that will help the next time around!

09-24-2013, 01:39 PM
ABSOLUTELY ladies!! I had the worst post-partem depression and anxiety, and my anxiety is WAY worse that time of the month. I know what you mean. I feel relatively good, with daily smaller bouts of anxiety, for two weeks of the month, and the other two are just awful. I have been putting off having another child, which the two of us want badly, because of those issues. I will be starting a low-dose med this week, and I'm really hoping that will help the next time around!

I have a 15 mo old, and I am exactly the same way. It's like my anxiety is in overdrive those two weeks!! The rest of the time I still have small episodes but rarely take any medication. It's a guarantee I have to take something those two weeks.

09-24-2013, 02:28 PM
Hi I'm suffering from severe panic attacks and it must be health related as I found out I had Raynaud's disease blood circulation condition ... An I've always been a worrier especially when I'm ill my worst fear is vomiting ... I always think its serious ... Has anyone heard of geert on a website called Ilovepanicattacks ? X

09-25-2013, 06:11 PM
I haven't heard of it hun. Im sorry to hear that you have bad circulation too it must be awful. The doctors that have seen me say mine and most women after having children suffer with anxiety because of a hormonal imbalance in the brain. So the AD apparently build up whatever its lacking for it to settle down but while it was the time of the month i felt completely out of control again x