View Full Version : New Trick

09-23-2013, 10:22 AM
Today my anxiety is playing a new game. It's called "Guess What, You Can't Breathe!" After about four days of very low key anxiety, this new one is getting to me. I know I am breathing fine because my fingernails are normal pink color and my heart is beating normally, but man is this ever unpleasant. How do you guys deal with this? Just like all the rest, I guess. Just keep truckin' and ignore the symptoms. Sigh. This shit sucks so bad. I fell asleep last night with the windows open and it got pretty cold and misty, so I woke up congested and my sinuses completely plugged up, and I've felt like I can't breathe all morning.

09-23-2013, 10:35 AM
On and off since February, this has been my most troubling symptom - most likely to cause a panic reaction. At some points I've become obsessed with my breathing.

Though, I figure that after going to the doctors and getting SPO2 oxygen/blood saturation usually between 98-100% AND the fact that I haven't stopped breathing yet - it's most likely anxiety.

It's a tough sell at times.

09-23-2013, 12:28 PM
This really does suck. I have issues with my breathing too. It comes on randomly and is usually associated with chest tightness. Mainly it feels as if I've forgotten how to breathe. This always happens when I'm just sitting around or when I'm in bed. What helps me is to go outside for a brisk walk which gets my heart rate up and my breathing to become naturally heavy. I find that when I exert myself physically for an extended period of time, my breathing naturally falls back into a rhythm. If I'm just sitting on the couch and I try and breathe deeply, this doesn't work. I have to literally make myself breathe deeply by exerting myself. And I have to do that for a decent amount of time, at least 10 minutes or so. It's like that tricks my breathing to kick in properly again.

It's annoying and very impractical when this happens in the middle of the night.

I also have sinus issues and that is another impediment to my breathing. Again, I find that brisk exercise which makes me sweat helps clear my sinuses, at least temporarily. I also use this stuff called Sinus Buster which is a capsaicin (pepper) based all natural nasal spray (doesn't contain any phenylephrine or anything like that). You can get it at Walgreens.

09-23-2013, 03:20 PM
Oh the feeling of not being able to breath is horrendous. I went to the doctors about this about 4 years ago and told them i have pneumonia. Sounds dumb i know but i really couldn't take a proper breath of air at all. Iv felt like It most of this evening too but once im distracted i forget about it. My hubby tells me not to over think it but its easier said than done.

09-23-2013, 03:42 PM
I get this too. It's almost like my breathing becomes manual if that makes sense?

I get quite light headed and breathless when I stand sometimes too, as if there's this sort of whooshing current that really quickly makes its way up my body as I get up.

Very unpleasant indeed.

09-23-2013, 09:43 PM
I was doing really good, too. Anxiety was almost zero for four or five days. Now I'm sitting here with my head stopped up and chest tightness. Maybe it's allergies. I don't know. I'm taking half an ativan. If I feel better I'll know it is just anxiety and nothing physical. Nothing stressful going on in my life besides money woes, but when is there not money woes nowadays. Thought I was finally beating this anxiety. And I am. No need to get all negative. I'm not panicking at all, just feel miserable and sick of this shit.

09-23-2013, 10:07 PM
Oh I hate the 'can't catch a deep breath' thing. It comes at the most random times and although I know it's just anxiety it's so frustrating!

09-24-2013, 05:12 PM
It always sounds like I am startled or shocked at something. It's always extremely quick breathing and very loud. Thankfully my partner is understanding but in different situations it can be embarrassing. My partner just looks and says "remember to breathe honey" !