View Full Version : Whats everyones biggest fear?

09-23-2013, 09:51 AM
For me mines blood poisoning or throat cancer (I smoke) all of my symptoms always make me think my organs are going to shut down and I've got blood poisoning. I think sometimes reading other people's worries helps me rationalise that everyone has there own fears and we are all still here. My anxiety likes to fixate on blood poisoning lol I no the likelyhood it would happen is slim but that's just my brain at the minute.

09-23-2013, 09:59 AM
My fear isn't so specific - I'd have to say it's having a medical crisis when no one is around.

09-23-2013, 10:02 AM
Yeah that scares me too, my poor husband I don't think I let us be seperated much as I panic I will drop down dead and he won't be here. I'm not sure why I've fixated on what I have perhaps it's google fault :-/

09-23-2013, 10:04 AM
Never getting better

09-23-2013, 10:12 AM
I no I feel like i will have anxiety forever it really gets me down :-(

09-23-2013, 12:10 PM
My biggest fear, which is also broad and generic, is my underlying problem of fearing that I'm going to die, and it's going to happen when I'm alone and there's no one that can help me.. I fear my family is going to suddenly die around me and there was nothing I could do to save them....I guess there is more than one great fear, but it revolves around death or dying.

I no I feel like i will have anxiety forever it really gets me down :-(

^ Yes, it really feels like that on most days, and it's really depressing, but I tell myself that I can fight it even if my voice comes out shaky and I don't believe it 100% Because I don't want it to control me..hang in there :)

09-23-2013, 12:17 PM
Great question, petrified! My biggest fear is my anxiety disorder getting worse, to the point where I don't have any more good days, only bad days, and I feel ill and anxious all the time with no respite and nothing helps, and life is just one long panic attack and eventually I would be hospitalized, but that wouldn't help either :-(

09-23-2013, 12:26 PM
My biggest fear, which is also broad and generic, is my underlying problem of fearing that I'm going to die, and it's going to happen when I'm alone and there's no one that can help me.. I fear my family is going to suddenly die around me and there was nothing I could do to save them....I guess there is more than one great fear, but it revolves around death or dying.

^ Yes, it really feels like that on most days, and it's really depressing, but I tell myself that I can fight it even if my voice comes out shaky and I don't believe it 100% Because I don't want it to control me..hang in there :)

Death and dying is a big deal for me always has been my mam died when I was 3 so I suppose I've always fixated on it a little. Thanks I'm trying I do feel I'm improving with my new meds I'm starting to have a lot more good days than bad. I just think it makes it that much harder when a bad day hits, but we will all get there :-)

09-23-2013, 12:30 PM
Great question, petrified! My biggest fear is my anxiety disorder getting worse, to the point where I don't have any more good days, only bad days, and I feel ill and anxious all the time with no respite and nothing helps, and life is just one long panic attack and eventually I would be hospitalized, but that wouldn't help either :-(

Thanks! That's a very reasonable fear and one I'm sure a lot of us have shared and it feels like that a lot when all the bad days roll into one. A few weeks ago for me were just a blur everyday was like big long panics for me. I've started on meds which I never thought I would and I'm actually beginning to feel somewhat "normal" whatever that is lol.

09-23-2013, 12:38 PM
My biggest fear is being sick and have nowhere to go. Especially in public with people. I can't even go out to eat because it all started at a restaurant but then I also got diagnosed with GERD. It sucks

09-23-2013, 12:40 PM
It's great your new meds are helping, petrified! I am also a believer in "better living through chemistry"!!

09-23-2013, 01:21 PM
My biggest fear is being sick and have nowhere to go. Especially in public with people. I can't even go out to eat because it all started at a restaurant but then I also got diagnosed with GERD. It sucks

Ah that must be awful for you, what's GERD if you don't mind me asking? I'm kinda opposite I would prefer to get ill where there is a lot of people there so there's more people to help me. But fear is horrible no matter what it is and doesn't anxiety just love it!!

09-23-2013, 02:53 PM
My biggest fear is to be terminally ill, with cancer etc. That scares me a lot, waiting around to die. :(

09-23-2013, 03:08 PM
Mine is dying or being told by the doctor i have a terminal illness. Also leaving my kids behind and not being here for them if i did die. Grim i know

09-23-2013, 06:14 PM
My biggest fear is to be terminally ill, with cancer etc. That scares me a lot, waiting around to die. :(

Me too! This is what all my anxiety stems from. I obsess about my own health as well as my kids.

09-23-2013, 06:16 PM
Mine is dying or being told by the doctor i have a terminal illness. Also leaving my kids behind and not being here for them if i did die. Grim i know

I go over this senario over and over in my head! I feel like it Robs me from the quality time I have right now..

09-23-2013, 06:18 PM
My derealization not going away... That eats me to my core. Have to be on antidepressants just because of that fear:/

09-23-2013, 09:16 PM
my biggest fear is a serious illness, disease or passing out and fainting..

09-23-2013, 09:42 PM
Ummm, dying. :-/

09-24-2013, 12:21 AM
At the moment? Having a heart attack or my heart stopping and dying. I have been having heart flutters/ jumps for about a month now and it's consuming me!!!

09-25-2013, 01:45 AM
Death at a early age

09-25-2013, 02:45 AM
Feeling ill dizziness feeling like I'm never going to get better & vomiting is my worst fear! :(

04-26-2014, 03:31 AM
Having a read through this, this morning as my old fears are coming back. All because I woke up with an ear ache and sore head.
I suppose I'm still scared that my anxiety will never go away too :-/

04-26-2014, 04:06 AM
Having a read through this, this morning as my old fears are coming back. All because I woke up with an ear ache and sore head. I suppose I'm still scared that my anxiety will never go away too :-/

Hi Hannah,

Hope the sore ear and head have eased.

Just keep working on today and maybe accept that anxiety is a part of you and when it rears it's ugly head, acknowledge it and carry on with your day.

I don't think you have that awful anxiety all day, every single day. Yesterday you mentioned a couple of really good positive things, even though the anxiety came back in the evening.

You really do very well with this and I am certain that you will continue to do so. You have lots of things in your tool box and you have friends here.

I'm hoping that your day is a good one. I on the other hand am headed off to work soon, the first weekend in over a year.


04-26-2014, 08:18 AM
Mines blood poisioning (nan passed away from it 19 months ago) < this could have been the trigger to my anxiety blood clots, dying at a young age and leaving my little girl without a mommy.

Was bein put to sleep but since ive recently had to have this done i aint scared of it anymore!

04-26-2014, 09:41 AM
Thanks pam for that reminder.

I managed to snap out of it I'm not feeling 100% but better than this morning :-)

Your right I'm not like how I was I'm much better sometimes I just need that reminder of how far I have come. It's sometimes good to read my old posts on here to remind me.
Hope you have a good day at work today and tomorrow :-)

Dweeb that is more than likely the cause of your fear. A death of someone close is highly likely to bring up those fears.
But you have overcome one of your fears and you will overcome this one too. You are stronger than you think :-)

04-26-2014, 10:32 AM
Never getting well. My new meds pooping out like the old one did & then going through this mental torture...AGAIN. I fear being put in a mental hospital & not being there for my kids. Sometimes I fear this isn't an anxiety disorder but something else...something worse.

04-26-2014, 12:54 PM
Dying befor my kids can take care of themselfs. Cancer, 35 years heavy smoker . LAST 5 DAY'S 0 cigs however.

04-26-2014, 01:33 PM
Never getting well. My new meds pooping out like the old one did & then going through this mental torture...AGAIN. I fear being put in a mental hospital & not being there for my kids. Sometimes I fear this isn't an anxiety disorder but something else...something worse.

That's a massive fear for a lot of people the what if!
I'm victim to it too. Like how will I no the difference between anxiety and illness.

I hope your new meds work well :-)

04-26-2014, 01:36 PM
Dying befor my kids can take care of themselfs. Cancer, 35 years heavy smoker . LAST 5 DAY'S 0 cigs however.

That's great John! Well done on the no smoking :-)

Leaving my son too early scares me too as my mam died when I was 3 so I have kind off convinced myself that it will happen to me too.

I suppose we just would all like to see our kids grown and happy before we leave them.

04-26-2014, 01:46 PM
Thanks, I miss them terribly ( the cigs ). If they came out with a cure for cancer today i would be smoking in 20 min. LOL.
I have a lot of anxiety but leaving my three kids while they are still youg scares the hell of me. It's my biggest motivator for the smoking thing. Did I mention how much I miss them ( the cigs ) ? Thanks again for your kind words.

04-26-2014, 01:50 PM

Although there is mixed press at the moment

Have you tried ecigs?

It's great if you manage to quit altogether, but if you find the cravings too much, they are a less harmful alternative.

I struggled to quit and went onto ecigs nearly a year ago and managed to stay off tobacco.

Just something to consider in the event of any weak moments.

Best of luck !!

04-26-2014, 01:57 PM
Hi Fourteen,
Hilarious, I just left the computer for a min. and went and got a ecig that someone loaned me. Definitely not the same although I think it may help when I have the worst feelings.
P.S. lots of weak moments. I keep a pack of my marlboros in the drawer for just in case but so far so good.

04-26-2014, 02:43 PM
Hi Fourteen, Hilarious, I just left the computer for a min. and went and got a ecig that someone loaned me. Definitely not the same although I think it may help when I have the worst feelings. P.S. lots of weak moments. I keep a pack of my marlboros in the drawer for just in case but so far so good.

I tried the "tobacco flavour" and it was like torture (trying to emulate normal cigarettes) I opted for blackcurrant/blueberry type flavours, at 1.8% nicotine (same strength as a regular cigarette) and I used the totally wicked tank (not the crap that look try and look like cigarettes, you get a real hit with liquid ones!

I found that once I got used to fruity flavours (nothing like a normal cig) I can't even stand the smell of tobacco anymore (literally makes me wretch), I tried a regular cigarette at Xmas and managed 2 drags and it tasted like someone emptied a chemical toilet in my mouth. Much prefer the ecig now!

The only downside is you never stub them out so can end up dragging on it for 20 mins and end up high rather than satisfied :)

You could try patches instead, wean yourself down.

That said, you've done really well at 5 days, and bear in mind that nicotine leaves the bloodstream altogether after 36 hours, after that point everything else is psychological.

Ps. I am not a sales rep for ecigs (just thought I would point that out ha ha ha)

04-26-2014, 05:26 PM
My fear used to be living, it used to scare the life out of me. But recently I have developed fears about my health/terminal illness because of recent events/health issues, but it's not actually dying that frightens me honest truth. I'm going to die at some point that is inevitable, but my biggest fear at the moment is the thought of my dear old mum having to bury her son. No mother should have to do that and when the thought enters my mind I can only describe the feeling I have as complete despair

04-26-2014, 05:39 PM
There is a band over here in Sweden called Kent. One of their songs, "Mannen i den vita hatten" (The man in the white hat) is about separation, growing old and leaving. One of the lines goes "Jag är livrädd för att leva, och jag är dödsrädd för att dö", which means something like "I'm scared to death of living, and mortally afraid of dying" (it sounds better in swedish though, heh). I think that pinpoints what my two biggest fears are.

04-26-2014, 06:29 PM
I tried the "tobacco flavour" and it was like torture (trying to emulate normal cigarettes) I opted for blackcurrant/blueberry type flavours, at 1.8% nicotine (same strength as a regular cigarette) and I used the totally wicked tank (not the crap that look try and look like cigarettes, you get a real hit with liquid ones!

I found that once I got used to fruity flavours (nothing like a normal cig) I can't even stand the smell of tobacco anymore (literally makes me wretch), I tried a regular cigarette at Xmas and managed 2 drags and it tasted like someone emptied a chemical toilet in my mouth. Much prefer the ecig now!

The only downside is you never stub them out so can end up dragging on it for 20 mins and end up high rather than satisfied :)

You could try patches instead, wean yourself down.

That said, you've done really well at 5 days, and bear in mind that nicotine leaves the bloodstream altogether after 36 hours, after that point everything else is psychological.

Ps. I am not a sales rep for ecigs (just thought I would point that out ha ha ha)

LOL, I have younger guy at work who is a really big vape guy. He got me all hooked up but like you i could not stand the flavors. He gave me about 20 different kinds. I ended up using just VG and nicotine no flavour.

Sorry everyone for getting off topic of the thread!!!!!!!

04-27-2014, 02:47 PM
I've just invested in a e cig as my doctor point blank refused me champix.
I'm determined to quit just need to find the will power from somewhere first though :-/

04-27-2014, 02:50 PM
Ritch I wish I could look at life like that! That I no im eventually going to die and just accept it. Thinking about it terrifies me.
Lately my dad dying scares me as I no he is starting to get old and I've just thought he would be here forever. I'm not sure how I will cope.
Plus I get your feelings on leaving your mam behind I fear that for my son, hubby and dad I couldn't bare to leave them behind :-/

04-27-2014, 02:52 PM
Anna I'm definitely going to have a look for Kent on YouTube I think a lot of people are scared of living :-/

04-27-2014, 03:25 PM
I've just invested in a e cig as my doctor point blank refused me champix.
I'm determined to quit just need to find the will power from somewhere first though :-/

why wouldn't your doc give you chantix? did he give a reason? ecigs are a tough one for me and very hard to get used to. I surfed the web alot about them over the last year or so but it seems some take to it ok and others do not. I think maybe the length of time that you have smoked maybe might have something to do with it? Good luck though. quitting sucks and I am going to eat the whole dam kitchen in a minute.

04-27-2014, 03:42 PM
Haha that's my biggest worry over eating.

My doc wouldn't prescribe them as I suffer from depression. Apparently they can make depression/anxiety worse. I had a heated debate with him but he was adamant! I left that day feeling really dejected and it put me off quitting for a bit but I think I'm ready to try again.
I've tried patches and lozenges in the past but I had a real tough time with the patches and hated the lozenges.

Good luck on your journey you are doing fab!!
Are you having any nicotine replacement?

04-27-2014, 04:28 PM
Kent are actually quite nice even if you don't understand Swedish, though they've made some english versions of some tracks aswell. :)

04-27-2014, 04:33 PM
Ah great going to have a look in the morning as I don't suppose my sleeping hubby would much appreciate me playing music at this time if night lol :-)
I will let you no what I think :-)

04-27-2014, 04:48 PM
not realy any nic replacment. I do have a ecig but do not care for it. I hope that chantix does not add to my already elevated anxiety and panic.

04-27-2014, 05:10 PM

Let me know when you are going to quit. Maybe we could try and do it together. I really need to quit and refuse to go the champix route. That stuff scares me.

04-27-2014, 05:37 PM
Yeah definitely pam!

That's a fab idea we can spur each other on :-)