View Full Version : Having trouble at work

09-23-2013, 04:36 AM
I've just gone back to work today after 2 weeks holiday and then 3 weeks off sick.

I'm really finding it extremely hard as I have been clenching my teeth all morning, still feel sick from medication and feel like I'm in a zone all of my own. I have to answer a medical phone and pass on instructions urgently and feeling shaky. Thankfully they will let me go 2 hours early today so I can nap before the school run.

Don't get to see my doctor until Thursday :( it's going to be a hard week, plus I have to work on Saturday (all on my own for 6 hours).

I fly next Friday for 8 hours and I'm terrified.

Thanks for reading.

09-23-2013, 01:02 PM
Sorry you are struggling at the moment, chuckie. I think you said in a previous post that you recently started an anti-depressant. Sometimes the start-up can be quite rough with all the side effects. Also it sounds like you are under a lot of stress right now what with returning to work after a break and your upcoming flight at the weekend. I really hope things settle down for you soon and you start to feel much better.

09-24-2013, 10:23 AM
Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it.

I went to my doctor today as I just couldn't take the side effects any longer. She has told me to stop everything straight away.

The first flight isn't until next Friday so hoping I will feel better by then. The doctor asked about me canceling my vacation and she would sign to say I'm unfit to fly. That is not an option as its a once in a lifetime vacation plus we have no insurance :(

Doctor says I might have a bad couple of days ahead of me. My boss had already pulled me from working a six hour shift on my own on Saturday.

09-24-2013, 12:53 PM
Hi chuckie, I think you said before that you take Valium when you fly? Do you still have some? That should help a bit. It sounds like you are going on a great vacation though! I know the thought of flying is horrendous, but I bet you will feel a lot better once the flight is behind you and then you are on vacation and hopefully that will be a really fantastic experience!!

09-24-2013, 04:03 PM
Yes I do, although my partner doesn't like me taking them. I normally take too many especially if there is turbulence. The only problem is that every 4/5th day we are flying again. 5 flights !!!

I feel a little better in the knowledge I'm not taking the Prozac tonight, just hope the withdrawal is nothing at all (one can hope).

Thanks for replying it gives me hope that someone is listening to my ranting :)

09-24-2013, 04:47 PM
You are brave!!! Much braver than I am. Honestly, flying has become impossible for me over the past few years. I used to fly back to the UK every year (I'm from the UK originally but I've been living in California for a long time). I always hated the trip but I forced myself to do it. Then, one year I was having a really anxious time and I just couldn't handle it so I didn't go. That was a mistake because having avoided it once I have now not been able to go for almost 6 years! So avoidance definitely isn't the answer (luckily my Mum comes over here to visit, but still, I feel really bad that I haven't been back in so long).

At any rate, just wanted to say that it's awesome you force yourself to fly. I can say from experience that avoidance is definitely not the answer! It may provide short-term relief, but I feel bad about myself and the longer I go without flying the worse my fear becomes. Honestly, I really think you might find after your upcoming trip - which involves so many flights - that your fear of flying lessens. You are absolutely doing the right thing by going on the trip. And I really hope that, after so many flights, you start to feel less freaked out about flying.

Good luck!!

09-24-2013, 04:48 PM
PS: I hope the Prozac discontinuation goes smoothly. Since you were only on it for a very short time, hopefully it will be fine.