View Full Version : Graves disease w/ anxiety?

09-22-2013, 09:28 PM
Lately I've been feeling weaker after I eat and my grandmother brought up that it may be a thyroid or diabetes issue. My head feels heavier and my muscles get weaker. I feel okay when I lie down but if I'm walking around it's hard to keep my balance at times. Idk if it's just my anxiety or something greater. Both my father and aunt have thyroid issues (my dad has Hyper and my aunt has Hypo) so it is a genetic disease and I get a blood test for it every year because of that. The thing is, I did a blood test back in June and everything seemed fine but it might have flared up since then because of my anxiety. I've developed tinnitus last month and that could've also been caused by my thyroid. I looked up one of the symptoms of graves disease is anxiety so it got me curious and I trust my grandmother's judgement.

I have a checkup with my GP next month and I will ask him to refer me to an endocrinologist but I'm not sure what to do from now till then. I'm just worried if I do have something wrong like that with me that it'll get worse if it's not treated asap.

Does anyone here have graves disease or any thyroid issues (or even diabetes) with your anxiety? If so how do you handle it? Someone can tell me i'm just going insane but I'm thinking it might be possibility and it's a little worrying. Thanks

09-23-2013, 04:53 AM
Lately I've been feeling weaker after I eat and my grandmother brought up that it may be a thyroid or diabetes issue. My head feels heavier and my muscles get weaker. I feel okay when I lie down but if I'm walking around it's hard to keep my balance at times. Idk if it's just my anxiety or something greater. Both my father and aunt have thyroid issues (my dad has Hyper and my aunt has Hypo) so it is a genetic disease and I get a blood test for it every year because of that. The thing is, I did a blood test back in June and everything seemed fine but it might have flared up since then because of my anxiety. I've developed tinnitus last month and that could've also been caused by my thyroid. I looked up one of the symptoms of graves disease is anxiety so it got me curious and I trust my grandmother's judgement.

I have a checkup with my GP next month and I will ask him to refer me to an endocrinologist but I'm not sure what to do from now till then. I'm just worried if I do have something wrong like that with me that it'll get worse if it's not treated asap.

Does anyone here have graves disease or any thyroid issues (or even diabetes) with your anxiety? If so how do you handle it? Someone can tell me i'm just going insane but I'm thinking it might be possibility and it's a little worrying. Thanks

My anxiety started when I had thyroid issues, but I didn't know about it untill one year later...

09-23-2013, 11:32 AM
What type do you have and how did you find out?

09-23-2013, 12:15 PM
I was diagnosed with Graves' disease about 6 years ago. My dr found it in a blood test. My thyroid had to be removed but since then my anxiety has gotten a little better. I just have to take a hormone pill for the rest of my life.

09-23-2013, 01:13 PM
I was diagnosed with Graves' disease about 6 years ago. My dr found it in a blood test. My thyroid had to be removed but since then my anxiety has gotten a little better. I just have to take a hormone pill for the rest of my life.

Why did your thyroid have to be removed, if you don't mind me asking? My father and aunt both have thyroid issues but they never had to have it removed so I'm curious. I guess the symptoms have to be really severe

09-23-2013, 01:21 PM
They told me that my thyroid levels were so high that they could no longer be controlled by medicine. It was easier to just have it removed.

09-23-2013, 02:46 PM
They told me that my thyroid levels were so high that they could no longer be controlled by medicine. It was easier to just have it removed.

Ah sorry to hear.. although at least you found out and got it resolved and your anxiety got better.

I'm just so freakin nervous right now.. I was fine this morning until I had breakfast, I had a bagel and cream cheese and I've felt weak ever since.. ughhh I don't know what's wrong with me :(

09-23-2013, 02:54 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. Have you ever had your blood sugar checked? Sometimes if I eat carbs first thing in the morning it throws my blood sugar off and makes me feel a little funny. Sometimes I get weak for no reason and all the docs tell me it's a body response to my anxiety. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :)

09-23-2013, 07:36 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. Have you ever had your blood sugar checked? Sometimes if I eat carbs first thing in the morning it throws my blood sugar off and makes me feel a little funny. Sometimes I get weak for no reason and all the docs tell me it's a body response to my anxiety. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :)

I'm not sure about the blood sugar.. how would you get it checked? My aunt told me to pop a few Lifesavers and it might help me calm down a little bit. It all depends on what I eat, really. Like I was find when I had my cereal (+skim milk with some strawberries and blueberries) but I made myself a Lean Cuisine (this one: https://www.leancuisine.ca/en/Products/fresh-inspirations/mediterranean-chicken) and I felt like crap after. So idk.. I'm not an expert and I'm making myself worry. I know some of it is my anxiety, that's no question.. but the struggle is it's always in the back of my mind that it might be something else.

Anyway.. enough of me blabbering lol. Thanks for your help :)

09-24-2013, 11:49 AM
All you have to do is just ask your dr to check your blood sugar, it takes about 10 seconds. I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about. Anxiety does crazy things to the body. Good luck :)