View Full Version : Anyone on Effexor?

11-27-2007, 09:10 AM
Just wondering if anyone had been on this drug and how did you find it work? I just started it on Sat. and I'm just waiting for it to kick in.

11-27-2007, 02:58 PM
I took effexor for about 2 months if I remember correctly. I remember it functioning a lot like other anti-depressants; it make me feel dull and it made life monotonous.

One suggestion that I must make is, if you are determined to use drugs to control your symptoms (as opposed to using something that addresses the cause rather than the effect) make sure you do not smoke pot.

I made the mistake of smoking pot when I was taking effexor, and the effects were not good, at all. I remember one occasion when I was high, a couple friends of mine were asking me questions and I wasn't capable of giving a coherent answer. I was babbling like an idiot. The combination is absolutely dangerous and completely unhealthy. Don't smoke, period (it's stupid), and don't even think about smoking if you are taking effexor.

Also, despite the knowledge that smoking and taking this drug was producing negative effects, my judgment must have been suppressed, because I kept on doing it like an idiot. I don't know whether than should be attributed to the effexor or to the pot, but my guess is that to some degree it was attributed to both.

I personally suggest that you do what I did to cure my anxiety and depression. I stopped taking all drugs, prescription and non-prescription, I started eating natural foods (free from chemical additives and toxins) and I took a natural serotonin supplement called Seroctin. Eliminating chemical substances from your diet will absolutely reduce your symptoms, and supplementing that diet with Seroctin will cure you. It worked for me, that's for sure.

Also, my sister was struggling with severe depression recently. She didn't change her diet at all, but she starting taking Seroctin and she was relieved almost completely of her symptoms. She probably would have felt better if she had completely eliminated chemicals from her diet (naturally) because your body simply was not designed to deal with those kinds of things. Your body will function normally and healthily if you stop putting chemicals into it. The mental benefits of doing so astonished me, try it for yourself, it will astonish you as well. Also, it will absolutely have benefit your physical health.

God bless you richly as you seek a cure.

11-28-2007, 05:48 AM
thank you for replying.....that's one thing I don't have to worry about is smoking pot, I have never done and have no intentions too....I also don't smoke or drink. Guess that's where my anxiety comes from too afraid of what it will do to my health. I've had anxiety basically all of my life and until I reached my 20's it seemed like it got worse. I would go months feeling fine and then boom I get a panic attack. This past year has been the worst though...I've gone through 2 moves, 1 of which I didn't even want to go to but had no choice since we were getting a house built and we had sold our other house before the new one was finished. This was the only place to go or we would have been homeless for 5 months. I think I realized that I don't handle moves that well, maybe this is where my anxiety stems from since my father was in the military and we moved alot. I know that I've been in denial for awhile mostly to admit it out loud and for others to know. I believe right now taking effexor is my best choice...I will be seeing someone to talk about my problem or to figure out what my problem is. I will certainly look into Seroctin, I never knew something like that was out there that was on the natural side. Thank you!