View Full Version : Alternatives

09-22-2013, 06:04 PM
Hey does anyone use some alternative medicine or vitamins that help with their anxiety? Medication is just not for me. Suffer from the horrible side effects.

09-22-2013, 08:35 PM
Yes u may very possibly be deficient in vitamin D3. (As i was too) Go to ur doctor for a blood test!

09-22-2013, 08:43 PM
Thanks! I contacted my doc for blood work, going tomorrow. Did the D3 make u feel better?

09-22-2013, 11:47 PM
Chewie make sure your doctor orders the right vitamin D test. It is called a 25(OH)D blood test. Here is a link about the test from the Vitamin D Council's webpage. Print it and bring it into your doc if you'd like. http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/about-vitamin-d/testing-for-vitamin-d/

Also make sure to get your b12 level checked as well as thyroid levels. Both are very basic tests. Iron and Ferritin tests can be very beneficial too.

Make sure to get a print out of your results when you get them. Some doctors will say your good to go just because your in range. I can tell you if your where you need to be for those tests.

I also was low in D and b12. Taking both helped me tremendously. I also bought a book all about natural alternatives called "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. It saved my life.

If you want, I can give you all the information I know about natural alternatives. Im an unofficial expert on it I guess you could say.

Vitamin D and B12 are essential depending on your labs. Your probably low in one or both of them.
Magnesium is GREAT for anxiety, stress, sleep, depression, heart health, muscle health, you name it. I suggest a product called Natural Calm Magnesium. Check it out on Amazon and read what people had to say about it.
You will probably benefit from a "Stress B Complex" as well as a good quality fish oil.
Don't forget a good quality multi as your staple. I suggest New Chapter but they are pricey. Very good all natural quality that is easy on the stomach though.

Then some specific anxiety things to research would be glycine, taurine, gaba, inositol, holy basil, theanine, and rescue remedy.

Good diet and exercise are essential. No sugar or caffeine or anything stimulating. Try to eat often and never skip meals. Eat lots of proteins, veggies, and good fats. Fruit is good too but watch the sugar.

If I could recommend one thing id say go buy that book I listed above. Its got a wealth of information that can really help you.

09-23-2013, 12:50 AM
Thanks NFL that really helps :)

09-23-2013, 01:07 AM
Sure thing! Let us know how your doc appt. tm goes.

10-16-2013, 04:02 AM
Hey chewie90,

How did your blood work turn out?
Hope things are doin well.
To answer your question if the D3 helped.
The funny story is that randomly one day, abt a year and a half ago, I had gone to the dr for a check up and they did blood work. Abt 2 days later I had my first panic attack. Abt 4 days later I get a call from the dr that I'm really low in D3. I only made the connection that the 2 were related, a couple months ago when I saw somewhere someone had written abt a relation btwn anxiety and D3. So I can't say I'm all better. Working my way through.. Dealing with general anxiety every day. But Must say havnt had a panic attack in over a year. So it defiantly helped something...

Feel good!

10-16-2013, 06:50 AM
Hey chewie90,

How did your blood work turn out?
Hope things are doin well.
To answer your question if the D3 helped.
The funny story is that randomly one day, abt a year and a half ago, I had gone to the dr for a check up and they did blood work. Abt 2 days later I had my first panic attack. Abt 4 days later I get a call from the dr that I'm really low in D3. I only made the connection that the 2 were related, a couple months ago when I saw somewhere someone had written abt a relation btwn anxiety and D3. So I can't say I'm all better. Working my way through.. Dealing with general anxiety every day. But Must say havnt had a panic attack in over a year. So it defiantly helped something...

Feel good!

Hey Admasai,

My blood work came back as vitamin d3 deficient. I've been taking that along with a calcium chew that has some d3 and vitamin k. My anxiety has let up now had a slight panic attack but managed to stop it in its tracks but overall I'm feeling normal again. I have to get my GERD under control tho so I'm taking necessary steps to help it. I'm glad you are doing good that's exciting to here. Thank you so much for asking means a lot to me :) BEST WISHES

10-19-2013, 11:08 PM
Hey Admasai,

My blood work came back as vitamin d3 deficient. I've been taking that along with a calcium chew that has some d3 and vitamin k. My anxiety has let up now had a slight panic attack but managed to stop it in its tracks but overall I'm feeling normal again. I have to get my GERD under control tho so I'm taking necessary steps to help it. I'm glad you are doing good that's exciting to here. Thank you so much for asking means a lot to me :) BEST WISHES

Hey Chewie90,

My pleasure!
So good to hear!
Things will only get better!

Some other tricks that I noticed has really helped in the past, is getting a good 20-30 min workout a day. And just keeping super busy! When our brains are not occupied with anything, our minds begin to wander... And you know where that leads... ;)

All the best!
Hope your feeling great!