View Full Version : Health anxiety and my new mindset

09-22-2013, 11:35 AM
I thought I'd share this with you all because as of the last few days it seems to be really helping me. I'm not sure this will help all of you but if it helps at least one person on here I'll be happy.

This mostly works for people who have been to doctors and gotten the all clear.

Take a look at your body, you are starting to get aches and pains, shakes, de realization etc. These are all signs that your body can no longer handle the stress you're putting it under. As somebody with health anxiety this should worry you, the fact you are harming your body.

I realized this and it's made me have a new found sympathy for my body, I had tremors in my hands for the past 4 days. Since I've taken this outlook on my health it's starting to get better. Everytime I start to panic about something the thought that my body can't handle this any more makes me stop and try to stay calm. Its sort of like using your anxiety to your advantage.
And lets face it, if its the worst possible scenario what's the worry going to do, (which is extremely extremely rare) it's only making your body weak.
Your body needs your mind, and the other way around. Stop making them fight each other because your body is losing and its showing in all these symptoms you're getting.

I also read a good quote that I feel like sticking on my wall to remind myself everyday.
"Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be its master and not its slave."

Anyway, this is just my update on how I'm handling mine at the minute. I hope this helps a few of you at least. :)

09-22-2013, 12:02 PM
Anxiety feeds off fear and worry. You accept anxiety and give your body a break the pains will lessen and disappear. It's a shame not many people realize this until months or years of daily aches and pains.

It's nice when things finally click though. It really is mind over matter. It's not a case of handling your anxiety at the minute though. This is how you must go on handling it. Through acceptance and reducing the fear and worry. If you don't respond with any emotions to the pains then they will go of their own accord a lot sooner than fearing them or trying to fight them.


09-22-2013, 12:07 PM
Your body needs your mind, and the other way around. Stop making them fight each other because your body is losing and its showing in all these symptoms you're getting.

This really struck a chord with me because I often feel as though I am fighting my own mind and/or my own body and it's a horrible feeling.

I really like the idea of showing empathy towards your body and seeing it as something that needs to be treated kindly and gently when it starts acting up (as opposed to freaking out about the symptoms and wanting to escape them). This is somehow different from just trying to eat well and exercise and do other "healthy" things. This is a whole attitude adjustment which involves seeing your body as something you want to help through tough times, rather than something you want to fight or escape from when the unpleasant physical symptoms start up.

It's really about having compassion for yourself and everything your body and mind are going through, the bad and the good.

Thanks for this, Kelsey!

09-22-2013, 01:32 PM
This really struck a chord with me because I often feel as though I am fighting my own mind and/or my own body and it's a horrible feeling.

I really like the idea of showing empathy towards your body and seeing it as something that needs to be treated kindly and gently when it starts acting up (as opposed to freaking out about the symptoms and wanting to escape them). This is somehow different from just trying to eat well and exercise and do other "healthy" things. This is a whole attitude adjustment which involves seeing your body as something you want to help through tough times, rather than something you want to fight or escape from when the unpleasant physical symptoms start up.

It's really about having compassion for yourself and everything your body and mind are going through, the bad and the good.

Thanks for this, Kelsey!

That's really true. I think a big mistake most of us make is to attempt to fight our bodies rather than sympathize with them and try to care of them. Especially when it's screaming that it needs help because of the symptoms we're getting.

You're welcome :)