View Full Version : could my chest pain be muscular?

09-22-2013, 05:27 AM
ive had this for a year now i ve had 3 ekgs and bloodwork and numerous trips to the a and e and the doctors each time theyve said anixiety and muscle pain. the other day i stood in between my two work tops and help my weight then lowered my body towards the floor and felt a tight pain in my chest and when i stopped it went away, i have a very weak chest i can barley hold my weight after i done that my chest felt really tight i stretched and the same pain was there for maybe 3 seconds then it went away and sometimes there is a pop or cracking sound as i stretch. i always fear there is something wrong with my heart but ive been starting to lift weights a lot lately and dont get any pain when i do that or use my punch bag its just when my chest is holding my weight i get the worse pain. it does sound muscular but being a health anxiety sufferer i always think the worst.
just looking for opinions really, i am 24 aswell no history of heart issues in my family
cheers guys

09-22-2013, 05:44 AM
Yes it will be I can guarantee you. If tests come back fine then it's anxiety. When the fight or flight response kicks in your heart pumps adrenaline filled blood to the chest wall muscles to protect organs from impact. An ingenius system. When you worry and fret day in day out your fight or flight response is kicking up almost 24/7. This results in excess adrenlaine and muscular fatigue.

You spend all day then worrying about the chest pains or other aches? It'll last longer or feel more intense. The solution. Let it be, let them pains come and go. Don't respond with emotions or fear. Respond with apathy. Remind yourself there's no danger. Your body is over stressed and showing you that it wants to recover. So let it, allow the body to repair itself.

It takes practice to master but you can do it. I lived with anxiety pains every hour of every day for 2.5 years until it clicked and I finally accepted this was ALL because of anxiety - every single pain no matter if it lasted a day, week or months.

Focus on the good, not the bad. Don't be led on by emotions. Anxiety doesn't control your life. You control anxiety. It feeds off fear and worry. When you understand anxiety and reduce the fear and worry you will reduce the symptoms.

Hope you feel better soon.
