View Full Version : Going on THE trip for the first time

Olive Yew
09-21-2013, 01:43 PM
So any minute now, I'm going to be making the very trip that started all this BS. I haven't tried to drive this trip in a month and a half. I'm trying very hard to hold onto my sanity and... Succeeding for the most part. But those of you out there who are religious: prayers would REALLY be appreciated.

I can tell i'm nervous but no panic attack yet. If anyone has any tips on helping me get through this, I'd REALLY appreciate it. The trip takes about an hour and a half to complete. I'll be talking to my boyfriend on the phone the whole way there. Hopefully... All goes smoothly.

09-21-2013, 02:05 PM
I said a prayer for ya! Make the trip. You may feel nervous. With exposure your mind should reprogram and it gets easier each time you do it. I been there it's difficult sometimes. Good luck.

09-21-2013, 03:14 PM
So any minute now, I'm going to be making the very trip that started all this BS. I haven't tried to drive this trip in a month and a half. I'm trying very hard to hold onto my sanity and... Succeeding for the most part. But those of you out there who are religious: prayers would REALLY be appreciated.

I can tell i'm nervous but no panic attack yet. If anyone has any tips on helping me get through this, I'd REALLY appreciate it. The trip takes about an hour and a half to complete. I'll be talking to my boyfriend on the phone the whole way there. Hopefully... All goes smoothly.

Good luck!!!!!! Really hope the trip goes well and I'm sending strong, positive thoughts your way! Keep telling yourself that you can do this (because you can!!) and think about how good you will feel afterwards!

Olive Yew
09-21-2013, 03:22 PM
Update: I made it. No panic attack. Just a tension headache and some throat tightness. Both i can deal with. Thank you so much for your love and support. It really means a lot to me

09-21-2013, 03:34 PM
That is awesome!! Congratulations!!!

Olive Yew
09-21-2013, 03:39 PM
That is awesome!! Congratulations!!!
:) thank you!

Olive Yew
09-22-2013, 07:41 AM
So I made it here just fine but had a massive panic attack at the two hour catholic wedding packed with easily 1000 people. My entirely wonderful boyfriend took me home maybe 40 minutes into the reception and was so incredibly good to me. Didn't even complain that we had to leave early. This one was maybe one of the worst i've had, though. I was shaking so bad i could hardly walk.

09-22-2013, 08:25 AM
Remember the trip didn't cause anxiety. It just occurred then for various reasons and anxiety then becomes associated with it. We have anxiety first, not our activities. I'm speaking of anxiety that's bad enough to start avoidance. Not rational nerves from stress. Alankay

09-22-2013, 10:56 AM
Indeed, situations, places, events - none of them cause anxiety. Build up of stress and worry causes anxiety to manifest itself physically. Reduce the fear and worry and you reduce the anxiety. If you engage in safety behaviour to avoid activities or places you empower the anxiety. It doesn't control our lives at all. We control it, and if you spend all your time worrying and fretting you're allowing anxiety to consume your life.


09-22-2013, 11:08 AM
So I made it here just fine but had a massive panic attack at the two hour catholic wedding packed with easily 1000 people. My entirely wonderful boyfriend took me home maybe 40 minutes into the reception and was so incredibly good to me. Didn't even complain that we had to leave early. This one was maybe one of the worst i've had, though. I was shaking so bad i could hardly walk.

Hey Olive Yew, I'm really sorry you had a panic attack at the wedding, but you still did an awesome job of making the trip to get there, so don't forget that! Even though the panic attack was horrible, don't lose sight of the fact that you made the trip successfully in the first place. I know how easy it is to focus all our attention on the negative thing that happens and blow off the positive, but, in this case, try and focus on the positive of making the trip and blow off the panic attack!! You did great!!

Olive Yew
09-22-2013, 11:17 AM
Thanks everyone for your support! It really means a lot. I'm doing better today than I have in a LONG time. I think it's actually HELPED me... Even with the panic attack. It's helped my subconscious learn that I can be okay here again. And not just at home. :)

09-22-2013, 11:24 AM
Thanks everyone for your support! It really means a lot. I'm doing better today than I have in a LONG time. I think it's actually HELPED me... Even with the panic attack. It's helped my subconscious learn that I can be okay here again. And not just at home. :)
