View Full Version : Pain

09-21-2013, 01:39 PM
well I'm having pain in both my arms and hands tonight and my right arm feels stiff and it hurts to move it. what can that be( xx

09-22-2013, 01:51 AM
well it was painfull all night wen I tried to straighten it or rest on it but haven't knocked it so what could it be?? x

09-22-2013, 05:41 AM
What could it be? Anxiety, no more no less. The fight or flight response when you convince yourself you're in danger pumps adrenaline filled blood to the limbs as well as chest walls. When you convince yourself you have a disease or cancer and can't accept it's anxiety. YOu live in a state of fear 24/7. This means your fight or flight response is on red alert daily.

This results in excess adrenaline and other chemicals in the body which concludes in muscular fatigue. That's why pains in the arms, legs, neck, chest, stomach, back, head, shoulders are so common. It could be short and sharp or dull and long lasting.

Don't focus on the pains, let them come and go as they please. The body gives you these pains to say reduce stress. So don't add to it by convincing yourself of false "facts" like thinking it's anything other than anxiety. If you start fixating on pains, fearing them or worrying about disease you're making these pains last longer.

Focus on the good not the bad, don't fight the pains, let them come and go. Respond with apathy. Remind yourself you're not in danger and this is all due to anxiety. It takes practice to master this method of thinking but it's the right approach and will in time let you overcome your anxiety and reduce the pains you get on a daily basis until eventually they disappear entirely.

Hope you feel better soon.
