View Full Version : Hallucinating... Again.

09-21-2013, 09:35 AM
I'm freaked out right now. I'm pretty sure I have something more than just anxiety now. I'm afraid that I have schizophrenia. My hallucinations keep on getting worse. I don't see things that are not there, but things in my vision get distorted. Yesterday is when it started to get bad. I looked at myself in the mirror and the face I saw wasn't me. It had the same shape and colors, but it wasn't mine. I'm scared to look in the mirror now. This morning I woke up and I thought everything was fine. I was looking up at my ceiling and The shadow that it was creating started to disappear. The light started to turn purple. Everything seemed plain with no textures. I'm looking around in my room and some things seem to big, and others seem to small. Some things seems further away than usual. I just don't know what to do. I don't know what comes next. I'm starting to think that I have something more than anxiety.

09-21-2013, 10:13 AM
Have you seen a doc? What treatment have you had if any? If you get really worked up anxiety can really make you fear things so much it takes on a little life of it's own and you need help to calm down. Alankay

09-21-2013, 11:27 AM
I would go see your doc just to be sure.
An idea would be to write down everything you see in your hallucinations and show them to your doctor so they can fully know what's happening to you.

Also are you on any medication? That could be causing it.

09-21-2013, 12:02 PM
I tried explaining it to my doctor the first time I got it. He said I just needed to get rest. I slept in for like 2 days and it still happened. He does't really believe me. I just kind of have to deal with it on my own I guess.

09-23-2013, 09:01 PM
There is a really amazon book called "Hallucinations" by Oliver Sacks. It's a. Very interesting look in to how your brain works and what can cause hallucinations. It's more common than you think

09-23-2013, 09:56 PM
You don't have schizophrenia. I can tell you this with surety because schizophrenics have no clue they're schizophrenic. Just like crazy people do not know they are crazy. They think they are normal and everyone else is insane. Your problem is nothing more and nothing less than severe anxiety. Your brain, when you are jacked up on adrenaline, is looking for anything in your environment that can possibly harm you. In my case, because I have a health phobia, it concentrates its focus on physical ailments, to the point of exaggerating mild sensations so that they feel threatening to me. Because you fear mental illness, it is trying to find mental illness, and it is altering your perceptions to locate the source of your fear. I think your case is really severe, and I think you need some kind of meds to bring you down a little. You need some counseling, and you need some testing so that you can accept that anxiety is the source of your discomfort and begin the journey of overcoming it. Schizophrenia is very easy to diagnose because of its very specific symptoms. You do not have it. If you did, you wouldn't know it.

09-24-2013, 01:33 PM
You don't have schizophrenia. I can tell you this with surety because schizophrenics have no clue they're schizophrenic. Just like crazy people do not know they are crazy. They think they are normal and everyone else is insane. Your problem is nothing more and nothing less than severe anxiety. Your brain, when you are jacked up on adrenaline, is looking for anything in your environment that can possibly harm you. In my case, because I have a health phobia, it concentrates its focus on physical ailments, to the point of exaggerating mild sensations so that they feel threatening to me. Because you fear mental illness, it is trying to find mental illness, and it is altering your perceptions to locate the source of your fear. I think your case is really severe, and I think you need some kind of meds to bring you down a little. You need some counseling, and you need some testing so that you can accept that anxiety is the source of your discomfort and begin the journey of overcoming it. Schizophrenia is very easy to diagnose because of its very specific symptoms. You do not have it. If you did, you wouldn't know it.

I agree with this!! If I let my self lose control to my panic and anxiety I don't see things as they are... Remember your mind is very powerful. I use to have tis fear of " going crazy " but I read the same thing... People who are really "crazy" or schitzophrenic, have no conscience knowledge of it.. They think they are totally fine.