View Full Version : Need some advice...

09-20-2013, 07:26 PM
I have felt scrappy for a month now off and on.. anxiety through the roof... my resting hr is usually about 82-85 ... well the past few days I have been feeling good.. not anxious and noticed that my heartrate is now no higher then 76 even after walking a little bit... and resting heart rate is at 72.. my question is that, can anxiety keep your heart rate elevated for long periods of time? 1-2 months? Is this something I should be concerned about?? I feel a lot more calm also.. And I was reading that post partum after a c section will cause ur hormones to drop very low. . Up to a year post partum.. I'm 11 months post partum... I only started suffering anxiety when I got pregnant.. and was good last few months of pregnancy, then it hit me again... so I wonder if the hormonal imbalance is what caused me to have anxiety in the first place??? Any advice would be nice. ... Thank u

09-20-2013, 08:20 PM
Both are normal heart rates, and yes, anxiety can keep it elevated. It cannot hurt you. Your hr would have to be 200+ for days to damage your heart.