View Full Version : I think I know where MY anxiety comes from

09-20-2013, 06:38 PM
Im 17 and I dreamed for atleast 6 feet of height and that has been over me since i was 15 i gues ive grown 1 or 2 inches into 5'5. Im my dads only son and im stil few inches shorter than him. All my uncles are taller than 5'10. I lose hope because im extra hairy and i had a nice beard kinda hard hair started since i was about 14. Im too hairy to think that my growth plates are still unclosed. However something weird is that this was the case with few other family members too acording to my parents and those few people grew til their 22s. But i simply cant believe it i luk like a father of 5 how would i grow. (P.S i didnt mean im ugly i just luk older =p)
The lack in confidence eats me everyday coz my only crush is about 5'8 and i hoped to grow which didnt happen. Instead ive gained 6kgs in 2years, earned me a few chronic areas of pain, muscle and joint weaknes( i lost strength when i quit gym and my joints grew weak with time too and i dislocated my shoulder twice in eight months) . According to some, these are signs of growth and alert me to diet well and do safer excercise alternative to football while some tell difrent stories and that i should get some market product to help my height.
You wouldnt believe how active i was until 16 i used to do a facebook pic almost daily, used to walk with broad shoulders and used to dress and look well but current way of life and this lazines and lack of confidence seems to eat me as everyday pases i only hope to be a bit taller the next morning.. I need some help here friends... People around me , even my parents dont understand why Im always sad but doing fake smiles and they make fun of me when I share what I feel :(
Any kind of response is welcome. Teach sugest or say whatever that comes just say something please

09-20-2013, 08:17 PM
Being tall is not so great. Makes everything else look smaller! :)

09-20-2013, 09:25 PM
I think you are obsessed. I am 6 ft even and don't care and neither should you. If you are healthy you have everything. Alankay

09-21-2013, 09:30 AM
I think you are obsessed. I am 6 ft even and don't care and neither should you. If you are healthy you have everything. Alankay

I am kinda obsesed and very rigid about it because thats what ive always wanted. Let say i stop caring, I may not grow as tall as my crush girl is :( I would look like her grandchild and I dont feel motivated to propose a girl twice my size so I want to be as tall