View Full Version : not sure what to do

09-20-2013, 09:40 AM
so..i've been in my hometown for 3 weeks now at my parents house after a bad week of panic attacks.
i was due to go back to london today as i have work tomorrow and i start university again next week... but i didn't go back.
i'm a bit worried about missing work but its just a part time job so i'm not too bothered about losing it. but i just can't work out why I'm so panicky about going back!
the first panic attack i had was in the middle of the night and it woke me up, and my GP thinks it was due to stress from moving house etc, but I've had 3 weeks off now and the panic had stopped until i had to go back to london
i think i'm just associating my new house with panic attacks and therefore every time i try to go back, i can't

my GP referred me for some CBT counselling sessions in my hometown but as i have to go back to the city, i can't do it right now

any advice on how to snap out of this and just get back to my house? there's nothing specific there that i am afraid of so i have no idea why going back sends me into panic attacks :(

09-20-2013, 11:26 AM
Change is scary. So when you have anxiety it may well make you feel even more on edge. Ask your GP to locate CBT where you'll be moving to. It's all over the place and all available on NHS. Waiting list might be longer in the city, but still it's worth it.

Tips? Keep busy, uni will keep you busy i'm sure. But the busier you keep your mind the less time dedicated to worry. Any pains or symptoms, let them come. Fighting or fearing them only makes things worse. If you can fully accept it's anxiety then just let your body get on with things. Let it heal itself. yes it'll throw out symptoms now and again to shwo you that months/years of stress have worn it out. But these can't hurt you, whether its aches or pains, raised heart rate or feeling dizzy or panicky. Just let them come and go and focus on what counts - uni, laughing and enjoying life.
