View Full Version : Does this happen to anyone else???

09-20-2013, 08:06 AM
I'm sick I have a sore throat I'm achy as well as a headache an sinus infection.... My anxiety has been up because I don't feel good but I am also worrying that ms and pots starts with viral infections

09-20-2013, 11:29 AM
All of these worries are unfounded. A sore throat along with blocked sinuses and headache is all very comono for a cold. Picture how you were before when you had no anxiety. A cold was a cold. Maybe an excuse for some time off work or school. Rest up, plenty of fluids and over the counter medicines.

Now read what you just said. MS and pots. Thoughts that'd never have crossed your mind when you didn't havge anxiety. So why have it now? Unwarranted paranoia due to the worries and fears which have no real basis or evidence. You're assuming you're iller than you are.

In reality it's a cold and will take some time to clear up. Focusing on disease makes you feel worse, makes your body more stressed. You have to do yourself a favour and remind yourself it's a cold and you're not in any mortal danger.
