View Full Version : How to stop panic attacks..helpful tools/symptoms

09-20-2013, 02:06 AM
Hey guys does anyone have some helpful tools to stop panic attacks when they are happening? My panic attacks start with that discfort feeling by my and sharp pains and then bam they come on but the only thing my heart doesnt race its just that tightness discomfort feeling by my heart when im out and it happens i run out too a safe place!!! This will be nice to help each other on here! Tell us about the symptoms and how you cope with it to help you slow it down thanks guys!!

09-20-2013, 02:16 AM
For me it normally starts with a pain somewhere. Could be chest, shoulder, arm or stomach then my mind starts telling me it's something serious I'm dying. My legs turn to jelly, my breathing and heart rate go up. I usually wander around back and forward through the house making it worse. I get black spots in front of my eyes which confirms my fears in my mind, which starts the tears about then the pins and needles in my hands come through my hyperventilating. I try to control my breathing which is difficult through the tears which again means something sinister is going on. I've now started as soon as I feel it coming on just getting up and perhaps run the Hoover through the house or grab my book and have a bath. If I'm too late I've started forcing myself to sit down with a cold glass of water which I sip slowly (a tip I got from here) it's really helping though. Panic attacks are one of the worst things I have ever dealt with and are still fairly new to me :-(

09-20-2013, 02:53 AM
I have the tightness in my chest even when I'm thinking about something discomforting .... And before I go out or do something I always think what if?? What if I have an attack an I've got my little one with me I hope it's not in a public place it's so horrible

09-20-2013, 03:18 AM
I feel the same way lucy!! I hate it but there has to be a way to beat this it cant happen for the rest of lives..im so sick of this bs already i try my hardest to get over and then bam out of no where thats what i hate the most too