View Full Version : Make it stop:(

09-19-2013, 03:51 PM
Seriously this derealization is killing me..,. Please fucking tell me this goes away. Almost a year with this bullshit..... How do I get rid of it for good or am I stuck with it forever? Please please please help me:(

09-19-2013, 04:44 PM
First, the good news.....it will for sure go away

The not so great news.....it doesn't go away by itself

With that being said, it is as simple as changing your mindset. Simply said but for sure, not as easy to do.

With anxiety, it begins to ease up and finally go away when you finally stop believing the bullshit your mind is feeding you.

As you feel the anxiety and its symptoms, start by saying " it's just anxiety, not a life threatening event."

But you need to believe it. You have gone through this, as you say, for a year. Nothing you feared came to light. Use that as a lesson.

Nothing is wrong! You are believing your thoughts!

Flip off the symptoms and anxiety in general.

Climb back in the drivers seat and go kick life's ass.

09-19-2013, 04:55 PM
It dose go away, but it takes effort to stop the shitty cycle that is anxiety. there is also a movie with Matthew perry called NUMB, its about a guy that suffers from DR/DP i found it quiet help full

09-19-2013, 05:16 PM
I hated the movie because he never recovered:(

So just relax pretty much? Ignore the symptoms or write them off as just anxiety?

It has gotten better but has never gone away

09-19-2013, 06:07 PM

I feel for you, it sucks. I had it for 3.5 f**king YEARS. Ah, the worst of my life. You don't even feel human!

I tried so many things to ease it: heavy metal detox, liver cleanse, yoga breathing, breathing devices to stop hyperventilation, chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture, weird meditations, loads of other things too. None worked. Most actually just made it worse.

The only thing that helped, and finally eliminated it, was the plain old obvious advice - lowering anxiety.

I bit the bullet and went back to Grade 1 on my condition. You know the really boring, newbie stuff, that you've read A BILLION times, that says "Anxiety is your bodies natural fight or flight response"?... Go back and start there. Back to Step 1. Go on the monopoly board. The beginning.

Don't worry, you dont need to re-learn stuff, just refresh it. What you're doing right now isn't working. Its not your fault, theres no blueprint to this, but the good news is that you can experiment with various methods until it all clicks. And it will all click.

Here are 7 things you gotta start doing as a minimum.

Relaxation: Twice daily, for a minimum of 10 minutes each time. Anything from yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, guided visualisation etc.

Re-frame this: Chances are, you may be like me. You may be so desperate to end this and get your life back, that you'll do anything. The feeling of being trapped or handicapped due to your anxiety, may very well be the thing keeping your anxiety going. Paradox, huh! You dont cure anxiety, or stop it. That would be like taking the battery out of the smoke alarm. Its trying to tell you something, not annoy you. You gotta evolve out of it. Come out wiser and more in balance than before you went in. Don't try and stop one symptom, cos it cant be done. Took me a long time to learn that.

Find coping statements: Google anxiety coping statements. Find a few that sit well with you and write them down or memorize them. I liked the ones "I am handling it, and "my heart is always free". Say them a lot. You have a lot of anxiety causing this. Everyone needs reassurance. Everytime you feel something a tiny bit off, say your statements. Sing them, shout them, breathe them in. Really feel them.

Change self talk: We all say all manner of things to ourselves on a daily basis. Most of it quite upsetting or depressing. We've all induced anxiety due to the things we say to ourselves. The conversations in our heads often cause us misery. Take a notepad, and write down all your thoughts and inner conversations for a few hours. It's not easy, but instantly upon looking through, will you see why you feel the way you do. You gotta change this! Whenever you catch yourself doing this, say 'STOP', and use your coping statement, or change it to a positive comment. You'll need to do this a lot, you're changing a deep habit here.

Change mistaken beliefs: Your beliefs form your self-talk, and to a large extent your emotions and anxieties too. When we're stressed, or we've suffered, our beliefs become distorted. We can start believing we wont get better, or our problems will arise frequently and stop us living our lives. We often won't feel relief until these are changed. See below for examples on changing them:


Write down all the bad things you believe about yourself, life or your condition, and then use the above worksheet to loosen or change them.

Improve self esteem: Do a hobby you enjoy, regardless of how you feel. Socialize a little every day. Treat yourself for no reason. Stroke some animals. Take a bath. Take extra care on your appearance because you're worth it, and lifes worth it. Set small achievable goals that you can meet, and achieve them. For 5 minutes everyday before bed, list the things in your head that you were grateful for. Connect with some kind of purpose in your life.

Take care of physical health: Avoid alcohol and coffee as much as possible. Take a multi-vitamin, 2000mg of Vitamin C, and some Omega 3. Exercise 4 times a week. Sleep before 11pm. Eat well and limit sugar. Take a medicinal or herbal anti-depressant (optional).

Take it slow, but by taking care of many different aspects, you'll find you feel much stronger, calmer and healthier :)

09-19-2013, 06:50 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXlZ6edCHqI I feel for you, it sucks. I had it for 3.5 f**king YEARS. Ah, the worst of my life. You don't even feel human! I tried so many things to ease it: heavy metal detox, liver cleanse, yoga breathing, breathing devices to stop hyperventilation, chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture, weird meditations, loads of other things too. None worked. Most actually just made it worse. The only thing that helped, and finally eliminated it, was the plain old obvious advice - lowering anxiety. I bit the bullet and went back to Grade 1 on my condition. You know the really boring, newbie stuff, that you've read A BILLION times, that says "Anxiety is your bodies natural fight or flight response"?... Go back and start there. Back to Step 1. Go on the monopoly board. The beginning. Don't worry, you dont need to re-learn stuff, just refresh it. What you're doing right now isn't working. Its not your fault, theres no blueprint to this, but the good news is that you can experiment with various methods until it all clicks. And it will all click. Here are 7 things you gotta start doing as a minimum. Relaxation: Twice daily, for a minimum of 10 minutes each time. Anything from yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, guided visualisation etc. Re-frame this: Chances are, you may be like me. You may be so desperate to end this and get your life back, that you'll do anything. The feeling of being trapped or handicapped due to your anxiety, may very well be the thing keeping your anxiety going. Paradox, huh! You dont cure anxiety, or stop it. That would be like taking the battery out of the smoke alarm. Its trying to tell you something, not annoy you. You gotta evolve out of it. Come out wiser and more in balance than before you went in. Don't try and stop one symptom, cos it cant be done. Took me a long time to learn that. Find coping statements: Google anxiety coping statements. Find a few that sit well with you and write them down or memorize them. I liked the ones "I am handling it, and "my heart is always free". Say them a lot. You have a lot of anxiety causing this. Everyone needs reassurance. Everytime you feel something a tiny bit off, say your statements. Sing them, shout them, breathe them in. Really feel them. Change self talk: We all say all manner of things to ourselves on a daily basis. Most of it quite upsetting or depressing. We've all induced anxiety due to the things we say to ourselves. The conversations in our heads often cause us misery. Take a notepad, and write down all your thoughts and inner conversations for a few hours. It's not easy, but instantly upon looking through, will you see why you feel the way you do. You gotta change this! Whenever you catch yourself doing this, say 'STOP', and use your coping statement, or change it to a positive comment. You'll need to do this a lot, you're changing a deep habit here. Change mistaken beliefs: Your beliefs form your self-talk, and to a large extent your emotions and anxieties too. When we're stressed, or we've suffered, our beliefs become distorted. We can start believing we wont get better, or our problems will arise frequently and stop us living our lives. We often won't feel relief until these are changed. See below for examples on changing them: http://www.thework.com/downloads/onebelief.pdf Write down all the bad things you believe about yourself, life or your condition, and then use the above worksheet to loosen or change them. Improve self esteem: Do a hobby you enjoy, regardless of how you feel. Socialize a little every day. Treat yourself for no reason. Stroke some animals. Take a bath. Take extra care on your appearance because you're worth it, and lifes worth it. Set small achievable goals that you can meet, and achieve them. For 5 minutes everyday before bed, list the things in your head that you were grateful for. Connect with some kind of purpose in your life. Take care of physical health: Avoid alcohol and coffee as much as possible. Take a multi-vitamin, 2000mg of Vitamin C, and some Omega 3. Exercise 4 times a week. Sleep before 11pm. Eat well and limit sugar. Take a medicinal or herbal anti-depressant (optional). Take it slow, but by taking care of many different aspects, you'll find you feel much stronger, calmer and healthier :) this seriously caught me off guard. I am so thankful that you typed ALL of that out just to ease my mind a bit. I do meditation but definitely not recently. I'll start back up on that. I'm pretty good at exercising, so I'll stick with that! I used to take Omega 3 and it never really did anything. I do eat foods with it in it though. I'm getting a blood test very soon to see if I'm deficient in some vitamins that could have caused this. Just wow. I'll write down all the main points of what you typed out for me and really apply them to my life. Is there anyway we could communicate that you're okay with? Email, texting, messaging each other on this app? It'd be great to have that support.:)

09-20-2013, 12:02 PM
Yeah, collectivism is the best way past this. Pick any person here at random who is suffering, and I'll give you a thousand dollars to a cent, that they have one or more of those groups above functioning Ineffectively. You see it a lot, people pick one or two groups, work realllllly hard on them, but then get disheartened when things don't improve. Usually it's because they are still neglecting other things. :) so take care of the big picture, and you'll find all the little annoying details which are your symptoms disappear.

You can contact me whenever. I always answer messages on here. I live in London, I don't know whether or not I'm in your time zone?