View Full Version : Is Fight of Flight Over-Active When We're Not Anxious ??

09-19-2013, 03:40 PM
Just wanted to know, because I always get brain fog and that and the messed up thoughts. Are drugs that can calm you down to make you less anxious and to block adrenaline receptors at the same time ???

09-19-2013, 03:54 PM
I don't think they're over-active, we just have a lot of adrenaline in our system, and it takes hours for our bodies to metabolize it.

09-19-2013, 03:59 PM
Yeah, that makes sense. Anyway of stopping it though ? Any medication that will block the receptors so your body can have a resting period.

09-19-2013, 04:04 PM
Not that I am aware of. I would suggest drinking a couple glasses of water and going for a walk. That should help flush some of the stress hormones and chemicals out of your body and metabolize the rest a little more quickly. Thing is, you have to have adrenaline for healthy body functions. It helps regulate several bodily processes. Without it you would die. Our problem is, we worry too much and keep pumping it into our blood stream until it reached a critical mass and starts making unpleasant symptoms and sensations. You have to quit worrying, relax, ignore the symptoms and weird sensations, and stop being afraid of them. Once you do that, the adrenaline and cortisol levels in your bloodstream will start to drop and produce less symptoms. When you get to a certain point, its like a self-sustaining cycle of fear--> symptoms --> fear --> symptoms. Just know that even though your brain is jacked up on fear juice and your body is feeling and doing all kinds of crazy things, it is not real, and the sensations are harmless.

09-20-2013, 03:33 PM
Not that I am aware of. I would suggest drinking a couple glasses of water and going for a walk. That should help flush some of the stress hormones and chemicals out of your body and metabolize the rest a little more quickly. Thing is, you have to have adrenaline for healthy body functions. It helps regulate several bodily processes. Without it you would die. Our problem is, we worry too much and keep pumping it into our blood stream until it reached a critical mass and starts making unpleasant symptoms and sensations. You have to quit worrying, relax, ignore the symptoms and weird sensations, and stop being afraid of them. Once you do that, the adrenaline and cortisol levels in your bloodstream will start to drop and produce less symptoms. When you get to a certain point, its like a self-sustaining cycle of fear--> symptoms --> fear --> symptoms. Just know that even though your brain is jacked up on fear juice and your body is feeling and doing all kinds of crazy things, it is not real, and the sensations are harmless.

Thanks for your answer, I will try but it's impossible to get rid of my anxiety. All I hear is people telling me to face the thoughts that is causing it yet it's impossible because I don't know what these thoughts are. They're so berried deep in the back of my head I don't know what they are.

And the thoughts that I think off that might be causing the anxiety are part of the anxiety, so it's like a never ending circle which cannot be broken. My main fear is being alone for the rest of my life or not having anyone their for me. My family are nearly dead and I'm only 18. I only have my mum, nan and two uncles. Never had a dad to look up to.

But, the problem is that if anything happens to my nan, who owns the house then my uncle and mum wouldn't be able to cope as they wouldn't have enough money. I mean, the anxiety is even stopping me from getting a job because I feel like I'm not good enough, it's stopping me from even going out and getting a bus or walking. I'm fine in my own location but if a job is like 5 miles out I get a fear that I'm going to get lost of something. I also fear that I'm going to have to look after my mum for the rest of my life which will stop me from getting a girlfriend / wife.

My mum had learning difficulties and I'm a little harsh towards here all the time because I really don't want her wrecking my life, although that sounds a little harsh. I just want to be like any other guy, move out, get a job/family and have kids etc. But, my family is holding me back a great deal in life. I mean what girl is willing to put up with my mum in my house with her. :/ Argh! Annoying! I cannot even sleep anymore.

09-20-2013, 04:07 PM
Well, first off, it sounds like you know exactly what is stressing you out. :) Family, fear of the future, lack of a job, uncertainty. The panic disorder comes in not because you have problems-- everyone has problems-- but because you keep thinking about them. It's like your slamming your forehead into the wall over and over. Of course you're going to get a headache! You need to either accept your problems, or do something about them. Take each one individually, and work out if you can do something about it or not. Lack of a job, for instance. Just concentrate on that one for a little while. Put out some applications. Do something, even if it is small, and let it go. Family issues... well, you really can't do much about it now. Without a job, you can't get out on your own, and maybe you love them too much to leave home right now anyway, so... let's defer this problem for a little while. We're not forgetting about it, but if you have no options there's no sense in stressing about it. Things won't always be like this. I hope you see what I mean about dealing with your issues. You don't have to solve them, just have a look at them, and if there is something you can do about it, do it. If not, put it off. Just stop banging your brains into them. It's the mental conflict that drives the anxiety.