View Full Version : Need rational reassurance

09-19-2013, 02:04 PM
I'm sorry guys but I need some serious help!!!! I'm on the heart anxiety kick again and am checking heart rate and blood pressure over and over and over and over and I can't stop worrying that this is not anxiety it's something else. Why is my heart on vibrate all the time I'm jacked up and tense and my heart rate has been in 90s all day. Ready to cry please please help me!

09-19-2013, 02:06 PM
I would go to the doctor and ask for a complete set of heart tests. Blood tests to check for certain enzymes (your doc will know), EKG, Stress Echo and 24 hour Holter Monitor. I just had all this done and everything was normal and it has REALLY helped me to shift my focus away from my heart.

Good luck!

09-19-2013, 02:54 PM
I would go to the doctor and ask for a complete set of heart tests. Blood tests to check for certain enzymes (your doc will know), EKG, Stress Echo and 24 hour Holter Monitor. I just had all this done and everything was normal and it has REALLY helped me to shift my focus away from my heart.

Good luck!

I've been to ER many times and several trips to cardiologist. I've had EKGs ECGs stress tests cardiac enzyme tests all this in 2011. Then had a three week heart rate monitor in 2013, and several EKGS between 2011-present. They assure me I am fine it is only anxiety. WHY CAN'T I BELIEVE HIM!!!

09-19-2013, 03:00 PM
I have had heart palpitations everyday for the past two years so I feel your pain. I went through all the tests including the heart monitor and every checked out perfect. Its crazy to think that stress and anxiety can cause our bodies to do these things but thats all it is. My symptoms are much better now since my anxiety has decreased. My heart rate is generally normal as well as blood pressure. I do still get the daily skipped beats which I hate but they are do to fatigue and poor sleep. I have seen the specialists and trust them so when I get that feeling I just don't let it get to me. I know, easier said than done. Also a heart rate in the 90's is nothing. During exercise you can healthily get up to the 180's.

09-19-2013, 03:01 PM
I find its not that I don't believe my doctors it's that i think they have made a mistake or I will be the one in 10 million to have something freak happen to me. Heart symptoms for me are one of the worst things ever to experience. But judging from this forum the most common :-(

09-19-2013, 03:58 PM
You have to decide, once and for all, if you are going to be this way forever, or if you are going to be happy. You have to make yourself a promise. I will only check my vitals once a day. I will not google symptoms. I will keep myself busy and not let myself dwell on my health worries. You have to do it, and be firm with yourself. You are the master of your own destiny, and no one can do it but you. Your symptoms are all a creation of your mind, and if your mind is powerful enough to create these terrible sensations and symptoms, it is powerful enough to take over and make them go away. It is going to be tough, because you have trained yourself to be like this a little bit at a time over most of your life, but just like a smoker can quit a three pack a day habit, you can quit the habit of torturing yourself with fear.

09-19-2013, 04:40 PM
You have to decide, once and for all, if you are going to be this way forever, or if you are going to be happy. You have to make yourself a promise. I will only check my vitals once a day. I will not google symptoms. I will keep myself busy and not let myself dwell on my health worries. You have to do it, and be firm with yourself. You are the master of your own destiny, and no one can do it but you. Your symptoms are all a creation of your mind, and if your mind is powerful enough to create these terrible sensations and symptoms, it is powerful enough to take over and make them go away. It is going to be tough, because you have trained yourself to be like this a little bit at a time over most of your life, but just like a smoker can quit a three pack a day habit, you can quit the habit of torturing yourself with fear.

I know I do and I want too more than anything. Believe me. Just feel like I've waited to late and now I've damaged my heart or something because of all the worry

09-19-2013, 05:12 PM
Why won't heart rate go down after taking 3 ativan . It's still over 100. Please?

09-19-2013, 07:00 PM
Exactly, forwells. 100 is actually within the normal range for RESTING heart rate, and you are freaking out, blessed, and it is STILL NORMAL. Stop checking your heart rate. Read a book or watch a TV show. Ignore all these physical symptoms like you would ignore a screaming brat on a long car ride. That's all anxiety is. A screaming brat, pitching a fit so you'll notice it. You cannot damage your heart with mildly elevated heart rate. Your heart would have to be at 200+ beats per minute for DAYS before you damaged it. It is a tough, fibrous, powerful muscle, designed by evolution to beat billions of times in a single lifetime. It is physically impossible to damage it with anxiety. IMPOSSIBLE.

On a side note, cut back on those ativan a little. And remember: Those pills can have a paradoxical effect, make you MORE anxious, and ELEVATE your heart rate. It is rare, but it can happen. It's done it to me once or twice. Don't stop taking them cold turkey, but try to cut your dosage back just a tiny bit.

09-19-2013, 07:45 PM
Ok thank you all for being so patient, I'm really trying it may not seem that way but I am.

09-19-2013, 08:04 PM
I don't think Ativan actually lowers heart rate directly I could be wrong though. I've taken Klonapin and tho it took away the anxiety my heart rate was still elevated for sometime. I think its because that adrenaline is already released in your body and it takes a little bit to burn up and go back down to normal.

09-19-2013, 09:01 PM
High heart beat can be scary but U can not notice it all the time. Maybe go outside into woods and try to listen what's around, I bet your heart will listen too. I believe in healing powers of nature. I am suffering with anxiety over 30 years already and I am still here and kicking:)) Listen the sound of wind, water, leaves whatever, you will calm down, just focus on surroundings, it always work, focus on something else,not your body , good luck:))

09-19-2013, 09:37 PM
We know what you're going through. It may be you talking me down next time. ;)

09-19-2013, 10:22 PM
Very informative post forwells. Blessed I have an ebook I can share with you, it teaches you how to meditate, just 8 minutes a day. It it difficult to believe how even a minute or two works wonders on you body and mind. it is not complicated and, you actually can even do this while doing the dishes. :)

Olive Yew
09-20-2013, 12:11 AM
I've had a sensation where my diaphragm will... Vibrate? It's not hiccups at ALL. Just these fluttering feelings just under my ribcage and itms high enough up that it feels like my heart: it isn't! Did my own heart monitoring and busted that myth. Once I figured out that it was like... Muscle spasms due to nerves, I was able to relax enough that that symptom has all but disappeared. Until I ruled out my heart, though, that's all i could think of. The small amount of rationalization that remains in working order in my brain was telling me "well SOMETHING is making your heart feel like it's fluttering" and it was. But being able to separate the muscle spasms from a heart issue was my saving grace.

I hope this helps. Good luck on your journey! I know how terrifying it is and how much it sucks but in the end, it'll all be okay. It's just stupid anxiety. Just our silly brains turning into Piglet from Whinnie the Pooh. No biggy. Just try and debunk as many of your irrational thoughts as possible and hopefully the anxiety will begin to go away. It's when we obsess over everything it COULD be that we go downhill. Anxiety is a compound issue for the most part. It feeds off of itself and off of our reactions to it. I've managed to get my reaction somewhat under control so that when the anxiety hits i'm like "dude... There's my old 'friend' anxiety again. That wasckally wabbit! Lets see what we can do to diffuse the tension in my brain..." Which that's proven to be harder than anything else for me: controlling my body. My thoughts are mine to keep... My body... Well i'm working on reclaiming it again.