View Full Version : Sharp pains left arm?

09-19-2013, 01:22 PM
Does anyone get sharp shooting pains in there left arm? Damn its been happening for like a half hr..my friend said it could been a muscle strain..i dunno im so worried

09-19-2013, 01:54 PM
I get this quite abit it starts as shooting pains and then goes to a dull ache. I got told off a and e it's anxiety. But it might be worth getting checked that its not a trapped nerve or something. Try some painkillers if you haven't already they may help,and a nice hot bath :-)

09-19-2013, 02:04 PM
So its the anxiety causing it then right? I just had a lil panic attack too inside a store with my daughter ughh sucks

09-19-2013, 02:07 PM
Yeah it is and I total sympathise I had a massive panic attack at my sons football match on Sunday because of arm pain and the other parents ended up calling me an ambulance as no one knew what was wrong with me :-( anxiety is the worst thing I've ever dealt with. But try not to worry about the arm pains :-)

09-19-2013, 02:19 PM
Yea im getting pain by my heart area discomfort feeling and pain ughhh i freaking hate this i cant enjoy my little girl becuz this freakin anxiety bs..these doctors have so many cures what they dont put one out for anxiety theres millions of people that suffer from this bs

09-19-2013, 02:25 PM
I think it makes us better parents for it, as we have the extra stress and guilt while suffering from this, and still make sure our kids have everything they need and all the love they deserve. It is sooo hard going through this and I don't think doctors fully understand what we are living and dealing with on a daily basis. Heart pains have to be one of the scariest things to do deal with as we hear so many horror stories in the media. But I get comfort from here as there is loads of us in the same position and everyone makes it through the night ok. Mostly tired but ok lol. But you should be very proud of yourself coping with this and your pains will settle down without you even realising. I no it's easy for me to say but just try not to think about them it is just your anxiety messing with you x