View Full Version : Heart rate not going down aftrr taking ativan

09-19-2013, 09:15 AM
Normally this posses no issues but today since I had bad panic attack last night, I can't get my resting heartrate below 95 or so. U think its just the adrenalin? I took an Ativan at 7:00 this morning

09-19-2013, 09:25 AM
I would suggest exercise, I know it sound bad because your heartbeat goes up, but the final result will be slower heartbeat. A walk is good too. You need to relax somehow, with the help of ativan or not. Do something for yourself just today so you calm down. I always have tough time to go back to calmness after panic attack. I thought I am the only one terrified because of high heartbeat. In my situation the antidepressants did cause very high heartbeat so I could not take any.