View Full Version : Is it anxiety or is it a serious illness??

09-18-2013, 10:21 PM
Hello all, so recently I have been possibly diagnosed with celiac disease and today I just had my biopsy done and had an endoscopy done. This was no big deal as it seems I have learned to control and deal with my anxiety more. the only thins that sucks is being 23 years of age and having to change my whole diet! This isn't my biggest worry or fear though and I want too bring it up and see if anyone else experiences what I do!

So here it is, My biggest fear is the feeling like I'm fainting, my brain feels dead or shuts off or I begin too get this weird pressure feeling, floaty light headed feeling.. this seems to only happen at random times in the day and this seems to always happen when I am at work, store, around people,or maybe in a stressful situation??

The way I feel when I get this way is like a very weird loss of focus and thought pressured in the head, heart beat seems harder and I feel like i'm going numb in my legs and feel like I am about too fall down and begin too feel like I am swaying a lot and getting dizzy. I feel like I need to sit down immediately or go too an er or escape.. this is my biggest fear because it makes me feel like I have a serious nerve or brain damage, I have ms or something else and would hate too be paralyzed.. even when walking I feel as if I need to force myself too walk or have too think bout it..

does anyone else ever feel like this? or is it me or do I have a serious problem??

My ct/ mri and blood test keep coming back great!! ugh! I just want too overcome this feeling if it is anxiety and stop worrying and freaking so much about it!

09-19-2013, 09:48 AM
Omg!! This is exactly me!! And yes it happens when I get in the car to work.. At work when I'm surrounded by people . Because the first thing I think of is .. Omg I'm going to pass out in front of all these people .. And it just gets worse from there.. I feel like this all the time !! Yes it's definitely anxiety!! Because I'm healthy they cannot find anything wrong with me ., even though I complain about dizziness to my doctor always .. My mom says what if it's all in your head ? And your paying attention to it to hard because in reality your afraid to faint .. I said of course it is probably that but I just don't know what to make it better .. I'm home with someone watching tv I'm fine .. It's just stressful situations where I have to push myself . In fear I'll loose my job .. I hope we get through this let me know what works for you along the line !! And if I find anything that works I'll be sure to contact you ! Thank you so much I feel much better I'm not alone ;)

09-19-2013, 10:05 AM
It's relieving too find someone else who feels the same way! And too know I am not alone on this! I will keep in touch and will definitely let you know if I come across anything that will help me overcome this anxiety or fear! I'm hoping today at work I can maybe overcome this feeling and feel better! I hate too lose one of my jobs over something so little and stupid like this haha

do you sometimes lay down on your back looking up and get a dizzy sensation?

09-19-2013, 10:09 AM
Yes also a big fear while I'm at work and I work two jobs because of the terrible economy .. I try real hard not to lose them even though they probably think I'm crazy because I say I'm going to pass out every day and say I need to sit lol . But yes when I lay down I'm dizzy feels like I have a tight band around my head .. Also get headaches throughout the day

09-19-2013, 10:16 AM
same here! two jobs and would not want too lose either one! Though I always get that horrible feeling of passing out, its funny how it has never happened yet and that's what I try too focus on, because if i were too pass out it would happen. lol but the panic that drives them gets so overwhelming and nasty.

I can also agree that that's how I feel when I lay down too! This stupid feeling has also messed up my balance which has affected me everywhere! standing still seems impossible like im going to fall.. also since im in a hiphop dance crew, this had made it harder too dance but i feel also relieved dancing.

09-19-2013, 10:57 AM
Yes !! It never happens !! Even though you feel your about to it never does !! And I still focus on it haha it sucks !! Also when I'm in the shower and I close my eyes to avoid getting soap in them I'm so off balance I have to grab onto a wall while shampooing my hair .. It's nuts! When I get around a lot of people and feel dizzy I start getting more nervous .. Then my body starts feeling like I'm swaying.. Floating . Because I don't want to faint around them .. I can go on and on for days about this !

09-19-2013, 11:29 AM
I can go for days about this topic too! It's the only thing that bothers me the MOST on my anxiety and I know if I can overcome this fear I'll most likely be back too better! I am the same way with the shower problem too! Closing my eyes and feel like i am about too fall and eat shit haha! Also the swaying is horrible but dumb anxiety loves too play so many games on us! It always has a way too get our attention on something within our bodies that we need to not worry about at all yet we do!!I been trying to do balance exercises too see if that helps me with my balance and makes me believe nothing is wrong! Such as standing on one leg for a minute with my eyes closed and other exercises i found online that seem to help! But still the hardest hardest part is accepting and believing nothing is wrong.. no matter how hard I try it definitely is a war inside of me.

09-19-2013, 11:40 AM
Yessss it is the hardest thing to do .. Because your like well I'm dizzy all the time something has to be wrong .. I have tried everything .. Drinking water so much to the point I pee every 30 mins ..thinking its dehydration .. And nope doesn't help lol . I know for a fact I will have no anxiety if I didn't have this dizziness ..

09-19-2013, 12:46 PM
Exactly! Or take a step and get a shock to the brain like your about too fall or faint! this really sucks! But I believe if we both keep positive and keep fighting this war will get through it! one step at a time!! This can be beat!! my body is sore today and I makes me think I have a serious problem even though i bet i'm not even close too one, it sucks!