View Full Version : New.....support/encouragement needed....

09-18-2013, 07:34 PM
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. A short background is I've been prescribed Zoloft 50 mg for about a month as well as propranolol. I'm currently a teacher and have missed many days of work due to waking up with panic attacks. After talking with my doctor and being referred to a counselor, I put in a leave of absence from work for a month. From the few sessions I've had with the counselor we've come to realize that I've had anxiety for a while, I've just been able to manage it. On a side note, I had my first child in December. I want nothing more than to be a stay at home mom, but unfortunately, financially, we just can't afford it right now. It's possible I could be having some post partum anxiety related to leaving her. My mom was a stay at home mom, so I've always assumed I would be as well... Anyways, I've gotten a few complaints from parents about my leave, even though I've done my best to keep them up to date. I've been in the same school in the same grade for 6 years now. I even had the principals daughter in my class and tutored her. I didn't tell my class parents what was going on, other than having some medical things. The principal e-mailed them with an update and pretty much told them I called out often in the mornings and they had to scramble to find people and apologized for such a rough start to the year. After all these e-mails I don't even know if I can go back.... All the parents know of me is the rough start to the year.... As a parent I understand some of their concerns, but at the same time it's a huge blow to my ego and makes me doubt my abilities to teach.....