View Full Version : Daily Routines

09-18-2013, 06:29 PM
My days follow a fairly specific routine and I don't deviate from it much. I have created this routine myself, for the most part. It is quite limiting. In some ways my routine feels safe. In other ways I feel trapped by the routine I have created. Yet when I do have to deviate from my routine, I typically feel stressed and anxious. I am not super OCD about my routine, though I can see there are OCD elements at play. But, the routine is quite rigid. And I definitely say no to quite a lot of things that aren't part of my usual routine.

And yet the routine doesn't really represent a "comfort zone" because often times I have horrible anxiety just going about my routine. And some of the worst panic attacks I've ever had have been in the comfort of my own bed. I mean, it's not like, if I just stick with my routine, I'll be fine. Yet still, I feel a lot of anxiety about deviating from my routine. This doesn't make too much sense to me.

I was curious as to whether other people follow set routines and whether they see this as part of their anxiety disorder and whether their routines actually do help them or whether they just feed the anxiety.

Thanks for any feedback!

09-18-2013, 09:37 PM
I love my routine but lately I can not stick to it, so it causes more anxiety for me. I like to plan everything but it is not working anymore....as soon as the gardening season ends I am going back to my routine; get up, take meds, drink my coffee (better workout) when weather allows go on bike, when it does not gym. Back from the gym or bike, shower, cooking in mean time some kind of protein intake, then make up and go to work. I was keeping it for fall , winter and spring, and felt much better. However it did not protect me against my panic attacks. I got panic attack biking like crazy, and enjoying the nature. I had to add to my small purse a container with ativan :(
I think anxious people are always looking for routine to be in safe environment. My daughter told me that I get so panicky when something changes that it is scary for everyone. I think she is right. The routine does not help, it should but it does not. It does not make any sense to me either.

Slammed Vdub
09-18-2013, 10:09 PM
Yes, i always had to follow a routine to feel the most comfortable. Also, i had to be certain places doing certain things. Very annoying if you ask me.

09-19-2013, 01:16 PM
I think anxious people are always looking for routine to be in safe environment. My daughter told me that I get so panicky when something changes that it is scary for everyone. I think she is right. The routine does not help, it should but it does not. It does not make any sense to me either.

I'm glad you can relate, Dahlia! Thank you! Your routine sounds pretty good though. My routine also has some positive aspects - for example, regular exercise. At least, there are some good parts to it, I guess!

09-19-2013, 01:17 PM
Yes, i always had to follow a routine to feel the most comfortable. Also, i had to be certain places doing certain things. Very annoying if you ask me.

Is it still like that for you, Slammed Vdub?