View Full Version : I phone usage csuses more anxiety!!!

09-18-2013, 02:46 PM
What's your thoughts??? I got an I phone 2 years ago same time my anxiety started. I feel like 24/7 access to Internet, web md, google And apps like "heart rate monitor" have done nothing short of feeding my anxiety and worry!!! What say you? How do u stop? I wish for pay phones again !!!

09-18-2013, 02:52 PM
Haha snap I have nhs symptom checker, patient.co.uk and loads more on my phone. Internet should be banned for people with anxiety. According to google I should be dead a few times over lol I must be a walking miracle hehe ;-)

09-18-2013, 03:16 PM
What's your thoughts??? I got an I phone 2 years ago same time my anxiety started. I feel like 24/7 access to Internet, web md, google And apps like "heart rate monitor" have done nothing short of feeding my anxiety and worry!!! What say you? How do u stop? I wish for pay phones again !!!

I'm the same way.. I have web md symptom checker, heart rate monitor, etc... But I don't use them when anxious. Therefore I don't work myself up. If you feel the need to check like me don't do it when anxious. :) msg me if you ever need to chat

09-18-2013, 06:35 PM
I agree that all the medical info on the internet is a double-edged sword! Definitely it can really, really fuel anxiety. Also, it seems that people generally tend to post much more about horror stories and things that go wrong than about positive things! For example, if I google a new medication, I can pretty much guarantee that I'll find way more information about side effects and about people who had a really bad reaction to the medication than I will about people who benefited from it!!

Yet, on the other hand, I'm glad we do have access to so much more information now. I do feel that I understand a lot more about anxiety disorders thanks to the internet and forums like this, and that is a helpful thing. I guess the answer is, all things in moderation!!!! (easier said than done, I know!!)

09-18-2013, 09:13 PM
I agree that all the medical info on the internet is a double-edged sword! Definitely it can really, really fuel anxiety. Also, it seems that people generally tend to post much more about horror stories and things that go wrong than about positive things! For example, if I google a new medication, I can pretty much guarantee that I'll find way more information about side effects and about people who had a really bad reaction to the medication than I will about people who benefited from it!!

Yet, on the other hand, I'm glad we do have access to so much more information now. I do feel that I understand a lot more about anxiety disorders thanks to the internet and forums like this, and that is a helpful thing. I guess the answer is, all things in moderation!!!! (easier said than done, I know!!)
I do the same, but I have to google because i do not trust my doctor, my family doctor. I am allergic to Aspirin and, it is pretty serious; anaphylactic shock, still she prescribed the meds which are similar to aspirin. Six weeks ago, first time in the last 8 years I did not google my meds, but they are prescribed by my psychiatrist, and I trust her. She checks everything a few times and asks questions. I did not want to fear the meds, and there was not side effects, so finally I google it. Tailspin you did link me to it:)) I am still good and kicking :))
Internet and easy access to information is a blessing. I tend to question everything. Internet is the perfect tool for me. Places like here are additional benefits :))

09-18-2013, 10:37 PM
Yes our access to the internet can sometimes fuel our anxiety but you have to learn self control. If you know those apps and going to those sites are going exacerbate your anxiety then you need to stop doing it. I think there must come a point in our lives, especially for anxiety sufferers, that we acknowledge it is God that determines our days and not us. Really worrying about this stuff doesn't make it any better. You wondering if a symptom is a sign that your dying isn't going to save you from dying. You might worry about your heart rate but honestly if God has determined that your going to die it's going to happen regardless. I finally realized that for all the times I thought I was dying or had a fatal illness, nothing happened. Im still alive and kicking and feeling better than ever actually. You gotta learn to trust God, you can't change his plans. I very highly doubt his plan involves you or me dying in the midst of a panic attack. And really, whats the worst that can happen to us? We die? Well if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then death shouldn't be feared. We will move on into a place where there is no worrying, no pain, no sadness, no fear, no anxiety, and no depression. We are all afraid of death and I think it would be unnatural not to be. I say this Blessed because it seems you are a woman of faith. I know what I am saying is easier said than done. But this life is not our destination, it is not our home. We are passing through on our way to our final destination. Death is not where it ends, it is where it begins. Us anxiety sufferers worry so much about illness and death but if you are a believer that fear should be taken away. I think once you can accept that you can really move forward in the healing process.

09-19-2013, 08:20 AM
Very well said! Maybe this is a test for me they I admit I have failed. But God PROMOSED he would not put on us no more than we could stand. Saying that, I must be stronger than I thought. Just need a breakthrough

09-19-2013, 09:12 AM
Not religion again. What about nonbelievers? Our life will end one day anyway, this the way our body is. Believing or not believing does not do the difference. I would be nice if this forum was about ours expierences with anxiety and how we deal with it, not about religion discussion. Facebook is full of that...:(

09-19-2013, 09:20 AM

09-19-2013, 09:43 AM
I'm not religious, never have been and have no intention of becoming so. But if religion is helping blessed and many other people deal with their anxiety and daily life good on them. Faith is a lovely thing to have sometimes. Religion isn't something for me but everyone has different beliefs and whatever helps someone can't be that bad :-)

09-19-2013, 12:04 PM
What gadgets are you using for heart rate/blood pressure monitoring?

09-19-2013, 12:50 PM
Not religion again. What about nonbelievers? Our life will end one day anyway, this the way our body is. Believing or not believing does not do the difference. I would be nice if this forum was about ours expierences with anxiety and how we deal with it, not about religion discussion. Facebook is full of that...:(

Not a discussion, just one believer giving another believer some encouragement and advice :) God has played a vital role in my experiences with anxiety so it's part of my story no matter what. I can understand your bad feelings towards "religion" but that not what im talking about here. Im talking about truly knowing God, loving Him, and being loved. No strings attached. Religion says do, Jesus says done.

09-19-2013, 01:59 PM
Not a discussion, just one believer giving another believer some encouragement and advice :) God has played a vital role in my experiences with anxiety so it's part of my story no matter what. I can understand your bad feelings towards "religion" but that not what im talking about here. Im talking about truly knowing God, loving Him, and being loved. No strings attached. Religion says do, Jesus says done.

Well said!

09-19-2013, 08:50 PM
Pertified I had never insulted anyone about their religion and believes, I respect people's right to believe whatever they want. I just do not like pushing on me all that religion system and unfortunately fanaticism. I am from country that fanaticism is growing and it is difficult to take. My mother country is in the middle of Europe and still...No religion is not bad, it gives people hope. I feel like I should stop writing now :))

09-20-2013, 01:16 AM
Dhalia, I apologise I must of read it wrong it's just think whatever helps someone mustn't be criticised :-)

09-20-2013, 08:15 AM
petrified do not apologize, to understand what I am saying sometimes is difficult, English is my second language and I have some difficulties expressing myself

09-20-2013, 09:35 AM
What gadgets are you using for heart rate/blood pressure monitoring?

On the I phone I use heart rate monitor app, then I have a bp machine at work that I try try try to stAy away from

09-20-2013, 11:24 AM
How do you stop? Only use google is you can't help looking up symptomms and type "anxiety" before every symptom. it'll help you tie the symptoms back to anxiety. In time you can truly accept it's anxiety. Read about anxiety, the stickies at the top of this thread. Fully accept anxiety and you start to reduce the fear and worry.


09-20-2013, 01:29 PM
That's really good advice thanks ed. I'm forever looking up my symptoms perhaps that will stop me a bit :-)

09-20-2013, 10:15 PM
I know how it is, being able to check symptoms all the time. I try to balance it out by getting apps aimed at calming myself down though (games that relax me, sound apps, anxiety apps, etc).

09-21-2013, 03:37 AM
What's your thoughts??? I got an I phone 2 years ago same time my anxiety started. I feel like 24/7 access to Internet, web md, google And apps like "heart rate monitor" have done nothing short of feeding my anxiety and worry!!! What say you? How do u stop? I wish for pay phones again !!!

I blocked web md access from my phone for starter. But then I just downloaded games. Candy crush, bejeweled, bingo, jelly splash, sims free play. They all give me something else to focus on. Also the reddit app to look at cute animal photos.

09-21-2013, 05:27 AM
Like Ed said I've started to put Anxiety infront of every symptom I google, every single time there's hundreds of pages about how Anxiety causes this which is reassuring. Should definitely try this if you haven't already. :)