View Full Version : Advice please...

11-25-2007, 11:54 PM
Hello, everyone.

I am currently a graduate student who is pretty close to getting my degree. Im doing fairly well in school. Recently, however, I've started to feel really anxious about everything related to school/work, particularly teaching a class that's assigned to me (as part of the program). I've been getting panic attacks, and just really dread going in there, despite the fact that I've taught several times already. My anxiety is causing me to feel very depressed too. I feel mentally and emotionally drained. On top of that, I can feel my body slowly wearing down from all the stress and anxiety. I'm afraid if I push myself some more, I will only get worse. I've been seeing a counselpr and I am now on meds--small dose of elevin to help me sleep and buspirone for my anxiety/depression.

I think the only way I can do so is to take some time off...maybe take a semester off of school to just relax and take the pressure off. I'm not sure if I am making the right decision. Any advice?


11-26-2007, 04:12 AM

There are two ways of looking at it...

If you feel that you need time off to sort your anxiety out then take it. Your recovery has to become your number 1 priority and I know from my own experience that trying to hold a stressful job is not conducive to this recovery.

On the other hand, once you take time off, you may find it very hard to get yourself back to work/studies.

People like Paul Mckenna produce some very good relaxation and self-confidence self-help CDs. Maybe these would help?


11-26-2007, 07:02 AM
It's very common for anxiety to start about your age. I wouldn't get into the pattern of accommodating it. When I was younger I took time off from school because of my anxiety and it was very difficult to go back. Don't let anxiety start making your decisions.

I'd get some good info and maybe check out a program like the one at www.PanicBook.com (http://www.PanicBook.com), to be sure you're handling it in the best manner.

11-26-2007, 10:42 AM
There are three things you can do. Doing any one of the three will help to an emmense degree, but doing all three will cure you of your anxiety.

1) Get off of the meds. All drugs negatively effect the body in some way. Phsychatrists think they are doing something good by precribing medication because the medication may recuce your symptoms to some degree, but the factor that they don't take into consideration nearly enough is that all drugs have side effects. Side effects can be described as negative effects on the body caused by the body being unable to function properly due to the toxin substances contained in the drugs. Drugs may reduce your symptoms at best, but they won't cure it. They bandage the problem, they don't cure the true malady. The best case scenario is you will take drugs for the rest of your life simply to reduce the symptoms, but doing so, because of the toxic effects of the drug, your body will suffer emmensely in the long run. Also, it very well may be that the drugs you are taking are toxifying your body to such a degree that they are actually causing your symptoms. It very well may be that apart from the drugs, you may be fine, but due to your continuance in taking them, the toxicity of the drug is causing the symptoms to continue. The less drugs (of any kind) that you take, the healthier you will be.

2) Now you may be thinking now that if you stop taking the drugs your symptoms may flare up again. That may be the case as well. Now let me recommend something that has personally helped me to a drastic degree in dealing with my own serious anxiety and depression problems in the past. There is an all natural seretonin increasing produce called Seroctin. It is some corn extract that naturally increases the seretonin levels in your brain. Taking this, despite 5 years of intense anxiety and depression that ravaged my life, I felt like I was floating on the clouds. I was calm, relaxed, and stress free. I hadn't felt so good for a loong time. Also, when I stopped taking this, my symptoms were gone.

Also, a couple months ago my sister came to me weeping because she was dealing with severe depression, and she knew that I had the same experience and that I might be able to help her. I told her to start taking Seroctin, and she did. After about a week, she started feeling better. After about 2 weeks, she felt fine. After about 3 weeks, she felt great. This stuff works, and it has no side effects. I highly recommend it.

I have experimented with many natural alternatives to anxiety meds in my life, but nothing has compared to Seroctin. It will help you. It works.

I highly recommend that you try this stuff, but first, you are going to have to get off of your meds. Taking them both at the same time could lead to problems.

3) Pick up your Bible, and meditate on it. Truly soak it in. Don't just read it, but study it for 15 minutes or so a day. The Bible is a supernatural book. It truly is the Word of God. I strongly believe that anxiety and depression are spiritual forces. If you want to battle spiritual forces, feed your soul on God's word. Jesus Himself said that, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Feed your soul. Also, keep Jesus teaching. Jesus is God. He knows how people are supposed to live, and His commands aren't grievous. "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

God bless you richly.

12-05-2007, 03:33 AM
My advice to you is - do not drop out of school.
Try to eat healthy. Go to sleep around same time every night. Don't forget to go for walks or something so you get close to nature. Also try to find the small things that makes you smile. A good book. A funny movie or just a cup of tea with a friend. You have to learn how to relax and let things go. Trust me on this one. If you don't learn to take care of your self now.. You will have to learn the hard way, like I did.
You are good. You are enough. You need to take care of yourself and you need to learn to love you for who you are.
Good luck to you!

01-06-2008, 04:52 PM