View Full Version : Need advice. Please

09-18-2013, 11:09 AM
I have been a worrier all my life never considered to have anxiety, only felt on the verge of a panic attack a few times mostly driving. I started to get chest pains around the time i had to move to a new apt and my bf of 2 yrs was moving out of town a few hours away. Then it turned into swallowing pain in my chest. This lasted about a month 1/2 it was very sever for a while. It litteraly came on in the matter of a few days.

I have had CBC (bloodwork), chest xray, CT (for kidney stone), abdominal ultrasound, Hida scan. All they can find is an overactive gallbladder. Since my bloodwork has been fine does this mean most likely nothing serious (like cancer) is going on somewhere?

I have aches and pains that change from my chest, sometimes by my sternum radiating up to my shoulder, almost feels like my second rib. To my arm, my legs, hip pain. cramps twitching! A LOT of my symptoms are on my right side!! I also get dizzy from time to time with a headrush feeling. Have had a TMJ flare up that caused baaaad neck pain and headaches but thats getting better. It seems like it never ends when one thing goes away something pops up.

Just wondering if i should ask for anymore test, or possibly see a neurologist? They havent even checked my heart besides normal listening and blood pressure. I have had fairly low blood pressure as well but still in health range. I have went from 118-105 in 2month. I see the doctor tomorrow and he doesnt seem like the type that believes in FIBRO and some anxiety symptoms. Just dont know where to go next or what i should ask him to get my on the path to feeling better.

I dont want to chalk this up to be anxiety and it not be. The symptoms got worse in the matter of a week but have gotten better within the month but still have a lot of weird muscle stuff going on. Its so scary, most days i dont think about it but i dont want to loose anymore weight. I keep posting on here the same story but i just am so confused!!!

09-18-2013, 11:10 AM
forgot to mention i really havent had much breathing issues. when this first started I got a super tight chest 3 times my docs thought was acid reflux or GRED but i had a scope done as well and that came back fine. It scares me i havebt had any breathing issues as this seems to be a main symptom of anxiety so im freaked out i dont even have anxiety! LOL UGH!

09-18-2013, 11:16 AM
I totally relate I was poorly 5 weeks ago and was told I had a virus that I would be fine in a week. I'm still ill. I've loads of blood work, ecg's, x-rays. I finally had, had enough of feeling crap and read up about anxiety. I'm not sure where it came from but went to my doctors and he gave me some meds propananol and fluxotine and now it feels like a light has been switched back on in my head. I'm starting to feel slightly human again. I'm not saying that's what is wrong with you but the meds have helped me to rationalise my aches and pains now. Good luck to you :-)

09-18-2013, 11:24 AM
I totally relate I was poorly 5 weeks ago and was told I had a virus that I would be fine in a week. I'm still ill. I've loads of blood work, ecg's, x-rays. I finally had, had enough of feeling crap and read up about anxiety. I'm not sure where it came from but went to my doctors and he gave me some meds propananol and fluxotine and now it feels like a light has been switched back on in my head. I'm starting to feel slightly human again. I'm not saying that's what is wrong with you but the meds have helped me to rationalise my aches and pains now. Good luck to you :-)

the one thing keeping me sane is the fact this all started during a stressfull time, but could it all just be a coincidence? thats what i worry about that maybe i just happen to show symptoms of something serious during this time. These forums have helped me slightly i have also gone to see my school (college) therapist but it hasnt helped yet, i mostly discuss my physical symptoms which im not sure she understands if shes never felt it herself. SIGHHHHH

as far as bloodwork since i have had blood done 3 times ( 1 of the ER visit the other 2 was ordered by my GP) Surley everythings fine right? :-/

09-18-2013, 11:25 AM
im scared he will put me on the wrong meds with wierd side effects or make me feel off instead of better i know sometimes it takes a while to find the right combo. i just really hate having to take meds if this is all really just anxiety!

09-18-2013, 11:27 AM
is it common to have anxiety but not really have breathing issues?! :(

09-18-2013, 11:32 AM
It does sound like you have anxiety I figure if there's something seriously wrong with me I would be in agony. Anxiety if fab at playing tricks. I was at the stage where I wouldn't even take paracetemol incase it took my imaginary temperature away and u wouldn't no I had one. It took me 3 days to take my meds as I was worried about side effects but I'm so pleased I did. My doctor and most doctors start us on very low doses so there is room to find the right the dose. My antidepressants are very mild 20mg per day and my beta blockers are 10mg to play around with. I might be worth ago I'm sure you can't feel any worse. That was how I looked at it and I'm so pleased I did. It won't be forever. I'm also awaiting cbt therapy which is supposed to help. It might be worth looking into it :-)

09-18-2013, 11:33 AM
I don't get breathing issues until I'm in a full blown panic attack it's normally the other symptoms that start it off but it never starts with breathing problems :-)

09-18-2013, 11:37 AM
It does sound like you have anxiety I figure if there's something seriously wrong with me I would be in agony. Anxiety if fab at playing tricks. I was at the stage where I wouldn't even take paracetemol incase it took my imaginary temperature away and u wouldn't no I had one. It took me 3 days to take my meds as I was worried about side effects but I'm so pleased I did. My doctor and most doctors start us on very low doses so there is room to find the right the dose. My antidepressants are very mild 20mg per day and my beta blockers are 10mg to play around with. I might be worth ago I'm sure you can't feel any worse. That was how I looked at it and I'm so pleased I did. It won't be forever. I'm also awaiting cbt therapy which is supposed to help. It might be worth looking into it :-)

I get this way too I have never really even liked tylenol and now that I have pain im alaways telling my mom how am i suppose to know if its better or not if im taking pain meds but then im constantly feeling it and freaking out so it goes both ways! I REALLY hope i get something tomorrow or they try me on something im anxious about it ready to feel like myself. I feel like it went from anxiety from a stressful situation to health anxiety as well. I get confused between anxiety and depression and whats the difference. I never have days where i dont want to live most the time im just sad i dont feel like myself. some days i cant wait to get in my car so i can just cry because of certain situation i keep obsessive over and convincing myself in my head something is wrong wether its my bf or health. so scary :(

09-18-2013, 11:50 AM
It's terrifying having these thoughts and no I've never wanted to die the thought of me or anyone I no dying freaks me out and causes a panic attack. I think depression and anxiety usually go hand in hand as the thoughts we have of dying, we aren't good enough, feelings of doom are all depression, but the symptoms which are very real is caused by anxiety it's nice being on this forum and reading others symptoms and knowing you aren't alone anymore and aren't weird and it's not all in your head :-)

09-18-2013, 03:22 PM
bump* for more advice?