View Full Version : Anyone else feel like this?

09-18-2013, 08:03 AM
I always feel dizzy and light headed .. I fear always of fainting .. Feels like I'm floating always. I have confronted my dr about the dizziness and feeling of faint .. We are running multiple test.. Before we say it's anxiety.. I know it's anxiety .. I was in a near death experience about three years ago and just a year later after the car accident I started having panic attacks.. But this dizziness is really hard to deal with . Hard to work when your legs feel like jelly and you feel like your going to pass out in front of everyone .. Please tell me I'm not alone in these feelings...

09-18-2013, 08:20 AM
I have also felt like this before the recurring dizziness all the time. You just need to make sure your eating and drink enough water. Sometimes taking a nice shower helps clear your head and help get you on the track to feeling better

09-18-2013, 08:28 AM
Yes the showers do help for a short time .. I have tried vitamins loads of water I have tried everything .. ;(

09-18-2013, 08:36 AM
I have and do feel this way ..I try to lay down and drink some cold water and make sure I'm breathing correctly . If you have a benzo take a half of one or less to help with the anxiety the dizziness brings on . Have you had your inner ears checked ? I use to get panic from dizziness , turned out my ears were full of wax

09-18-2013, 11:33 AM
Yes I have had my ears checked .. :/

09-18-2013, 03:08 PM
Hi, I be dizzy & lightheaded for days. Its awful. It peaks in "waves" and settles to a Basel level of discomfort. The symptoms made the anxiety worse cos I worried about the effect on my health. My sister is a GP & told me to get a portable blood pressure monitor and check my BP when I feel really faint.. I did it and the BP is always normal or high if I'm anxious. Gave me some reassurance it is deffo anxiety though. It's tough I just try and take it day by day.

09-18-2013, 10:21 PM
Yes I feel exactly the same Wayy!!! Some days I can function better than the others !! But I get so dizzy out of no where and before I know it I'm in a full blown panic attack .. I start avoiding places .. Driving long distances in fear I'll pass out .. :/

09-18-2013, 10:25 PM
Hey Ashley! Wow, I actually just posted something pretty close too how your feeling! check it out and see if you feel the same way I do. But the feeling of fainting, dizzy, brain dead, weak in the legs or feels like I am going too fall scares me the most of all my anxiety symptoms! Let me know what else! We can definitely relate on this subject!!

09-19-2013, 06:19 AM
I've been feeling this way lately too. Sometimes when I'm not thinking about it, I feel fine. But because it's been cropping up so often I think about it almost constantly. It's like a vicious cycle :(

09-19-2013, 09:42 AM
It definitely is a vicious cycle !! Yes it does get worse when I think about it .. Then before I know it I'm in a full blown panic attack .. Then I'll feel weird all day .. Also I will look to see what you posted .. It's nice to know I'm not alone ;( .. My mom and family tells me it's all In your head you need to stop this .. But it's so much more harder than they think..