View Full Version : Will my anxiety ever go away?!?!?

09-18-2013, 06:43 AM
The my stomach and Ab's are always killing me I throw every other day I'm always dizzy I can't do anything anymore like this. I get the craziest chest pains swear i felt i was gonna die last time it happened. Meds aren't working:( help mee

09-18-2013, 07:36 AM
Have you talked with a therapist to see if there is a cause for your anxiety so you can address it? If not you should but there isn't always a psychological/environmental cause(abuse, stress. conflict, etc). Alankay

09-18-2013, 07:47 AM
My therapist is convinced it is because of my father leaving 4-5 years ago. But iknow it's not because I don't really care I never really liked him all that much. But he does is give me antidepressant which aren't doing much anymore and the pain is getting worse. What should I do now?