View Full Version : How is everybody?

09-17-2013, 10:41 PM
I feel like this isn't asked enough. How are you guys? Is your anxiety pretty high right now? I'm keep on getting "brain zones" or anything you want to call them. Basically, at some moments, everything around me gets real quiet. I can only hear my heart beat and my breath. My heart rate slows way down. Sometimes, if it lasts long enough, I will start to loose depth perception. It's pretty freaky stuff. What are you guys going threw right now?

09-17-2013, 10:44 PM
I'm about a 3 out of ten right now. Not too bad, but really wound up, probably due to chocolate. I was bad today, ate a whole candybar.

09-17-2013, 10:52 PM
I've actually had a pretty anxiety-free day...thanks for asking. Even had a few potentially stressful things to deal with. I'm trying to learn to keep pushing forward while staying busy/occupied so that I don't give much attention to physical symptoms. Sometimes it works, sometimes they are hard to ignore. I seem to have lucked out today. Sorry you're having some weird symptoms. It's amazing what anxiety can manifest in our bodies. Hope you're feeling better soon. Sounds like you might need to take it easy and try to get some rest. -Jeff

09-17-2013, 11:17 PM
Thanks for asking. My anxiety is not a problem today. However, I feel very stressed and super irritable with flashes of anger and rage. Hormones are adding to it, I think. Plus I had some stress today, but my reaction is out of all proportion to what actually happened (which really wasn't such a big deal). There is something empowering about anger - as opposed to anxiety which makes me scared of my own shadow - but anger is equally as exhausting, in it's own way. Just two sides of the same coin really.

09-18-2013, 12:12 AM
Anxiety has been pretty low lately. In general id say ive recovered about 85% since I first joined this forum. It is possible to beat this and I hope others realize that and have hope.