View Full Version : Wellbutrin?

09-17-2013, 10:30 PM
God, I just started this antidepressant for my derealization symptom... The side effects are killing me. It's a stimulating drug so it causes more anxiety and then I can't sleep. It makes me shake and my ears are constantly ringing. I guess it has only been one week.... Anybody ever been on wellbutrin? What was your experience? Did any med work really well for your anxiety? Please reply, I'm desperate here<3

09-18-2013, 10:03 AM
I can't personally comment on WB, but my best friend was on it. He had only very minor anxiety, more depression. It helped him so much, he was literally a changed man by week 2 and has been every since and has already tapered off of it. By changed I mean he got back to his normal self.

He quit coffee and caffeine whilst taking it because he got a bit jittery.