View Full Version : The sunny side of anxiety

09-17-2013, 10:10 PM
There are not many positives when it comes to anxiety, but one of the good things that have come out of it for me is this... Before this panic disorder started for me, I was extremely overweight. Even though I ate healthy and walked almost every day, I weighed 360 lbs. I know that sounds like a lot, but I am 6'3 with a footballer build. Still, I was heavy. Today, thanks to my sheer terror phobia regarding food, I weigh a svelte 280 lbs. Now I do not recommend panic disorder to lose weight, but it has been more effective for me than any fad diet I have ever tried. All you have to be is completely, irrationally terrified of eating! :)

I also now have access to the best pharmaceuticals. Getting high used to be illegal, but now I can pop an ativan and be a doped up zombie all day, and its all perfectly legal! No more driving to some shady friend of a friend's house in the middle of the night to buy a bag of weed, hoping and praying you don't get pulled over for a busted brake light on the way home. What? Oh, this? Yeah, I have a prescription. It's for being totally fucking nuts.

Never get bored anymore. If I don't have anything to do, I can always rely on my overactive mind to supply me with the most awesome mental horror movies you can imagine. Sometimes it's a movie called What If? Other times it's Why Is That Hurting?, Oh God I'm Dying! and my person favorite The Last Heartbeat! Tonight, when I drove to town for a loaf of bread, it was a new flick called What Is That Weird Noise? The second feature was What If I Die In This Supermarket. Lots of fun. Bring some popcorn.

Never have to do a cleanse, either. All I need to do is argue with one of my relatives and my body automatically goes into a cleanse. Sometimes I don't even have to do that. My colon now has a self-cleansing mode. The only drawback is when you're at the chinese buffet when the self-cleasing mode kicks in. I haven't figured out the timer settings on it yet.

Don't have time to sleep? Now you can't with Super Wide Awake! Stay up all night imagining horrible, grisly fates for you and your loved ones. Lay in bed tossing and turning, listening to your own heart pounding in your ears. With panic disorder, you have all the energy you ever needed!

09-17-2013, 10:17 PM
That was awesome.... It helps to make fun of ourselves... Thanks for the laugh... By the way I seen all those movies hundreds of times

09-17-2013, 11:31 PM
LOL!! Good one! :-)

09-17-2013, 11:38 PM
It sux but its so true, I'm the star of most of those films. I bet their is horror movie writers out there wishing they could live a day in our shoes.

09-18-2013, 12:10 AM
Haha thats awesome Cobra. Really the best thing you can do is laugh at yourself and try to find the positive in the midst of all this. It sure isn't funny when your in the middle of it but sometimes you just realize how ridiculous it all is. Most of us get anxious about possibly getting anxious. We are afraid of being afraid, which when you think about it sounds so dumb.

09-18-2013, 02:56 AM
Now that's a way to look at all this, haha! Love the sarcasm. Thanks for the giggles, Cobra :)

09-18-2013, 03:05 AM
Brilliant! :')

Olive Yew
09-18-2013, 07:55 AM
I HATE horror movies and I've seen every one of those!!!! And I've developed a mild case of insomnia because my brain tries to feature "What if you die in your sleep and your mom's the one to find you so she cries hysterically cuz she's your best friend". That one's quite popular with my brain cinema. That and "How awful would it be if you just keeled over dead in the middle of Bio 122?" :P that one's just a scream.

09-18-2013, 12:44 PM
There are not many positives when it comes to anxiety, but one of the good things that have come out of it for me is this... Before this panic disorder started for me, I was extremely overweight. Even though I ate healthy and walked almost every day, I weighed 360 lbs. I know that sounds like a lot, but I am 6'3 with a footballer build. Still, I was heavy. Today, thanks to my sheer terror phobia regarding food, I weigh a svelte 280 lbs. Now I do not recommend panic disorder to lose weight, but it has been more effective for me than any fad diet I have ever tried. All you have to be is completely, irrationally terrified of eating! :)

I also now have access to the best pharmaceuticals. Getting high used to be illegal, but now I can pop an ativan and be a doped up zombie all day, and its all perfectly legal! No more driving to some shady friend of a friend's house in the middle of the night to buy a bag of weed, hoping and praying you don't get pulled over for a busted brake light on the way home. What? Oh, this? Yeah, I have a prescription. It's for being totally fucking nuts.

Never get bored anymore. If I don't have anything to do, I can always rely on my overactive mind to supply me with the most awesome mental horror movies you can imagine. Sometimes it's a movie called What If? Other times it's Why Is That Hurting?, Oh God I'm Dying! and my person favorite The Last Heartbeat! Tonight, when I drove to town for a loaf of bread, it was a new flick called What Is That Weird Noise? The second feature was What If I Die In This Supermarket. Lots of fun. Bring some popcorn.

Never have to do a cleanse, either. All I need to do is argue with one of my relatives and my body automatically goes into a cleanse. Sometimes I don't even have to do that. My colon now has a self-cleansing mode. The only drawback is when you're at the chinese buffet when the self-cleasing mode kicks in. I haven't figured out the timer settings on it yet.

Don't have time to sleep? Now you can't with Super Wide Awake! Stay up all night imagining horrible, grisly fates for you and your loved ones. Lay in bed tossing and turning, listening to your own heart pounding in your ears. With panic disorder, you have all the energy you ever needed!

Yeah I think I'm your co-star in those movies, believe me..... We've been nominated for oscars!! :) great post!

09-18-2013, 01:48 PM
OMG, I am crying I'm laughing so hard. Seriously. I really needed that. DEAD ON! :)

09-18-2013, 01:58 PM
Hahaha that's so me. Thanks that's really cheered me up its great to be able to laugh it does sound totally ridiculous written down like that lol :-) :-) :-D

09-18-2013, 04:01 PM
Ha, ha! Sad, but great read....my mind never runs out of mental horror flicks :) Today's latest, "The Relatives Are Not Alright" ..I also get great workouts with my pounding heart! Great fun for sure.

09-18-2013, 04:29 PM
Oh, yeah! I forgot about the panic disorder workout. Great cardio routine without the hassle of actually moving any parts of your body. Then there's the all night leg kick routine. Good stuff.

Olive Yew
09-18-2013, 04:55 PM
The Panic Disorder head trip! Depersonalization has been said that it can give the "out of body" experience that ecstasy can. You get the head trip without the drugs or expense!!!

09-18-2013, 08:27 PM
Ooh, the colors! Look, streamers!

09-18-2013, 08:27 PM
Makes scary movies 75% scarier!

09-18-2013, 08:43 PM
Thank you for your awesome post. I am actually smiling, I am smiling.:))