View Full Version : Just wanted to share

09-17-2013, 09:51 PM
I've posted so many panic attack moments, I wanted to post a positive thought. I've recently started working out. I was freaking out about doing this with my tachycardia, but know I need to lose weight and get back into shape. So I started slow and tonight did a 1.5 hour workout (definitely going to be sore tomorrow, ha). I felt a panic moment, but it went away and I survived.

Hope everyone is having a good night!

09-17-2013, 09:53 PM
That is so fantastic! I need to start walking again, but I am so scared of the tachycardia. Maybe I will get there soon, too. I used to walk a mile every day. I miss it.

09-17-2013, 09:58 PM
I completely understand! I used to walk a 5K everyday with a friend, now I can barely walk a half mile without freaking out. Baby steps, you can get there!