View Full Version : Paxil and Klonopin for GAD (Advice Needed Please!)

09-17-2013, 06:08 PM
Hey all,

Ive been suffering with general anxiety for a couple years now...not so much panic attacks, but just a constant general underlying anxiety that occasionally escalates to a 9 (if panic is a 10) in certain situations. I've tried every homeopathic and herbal remedy under the sun (L theanine, amino acids, magnesium, valerian, kava, etc you name it ive tried it) all helped to varying degrees but none have done enough.

Over the last 6 months or so its really ramped up in intensity, still not having full blown panic attacks but having difficulty enjoying everyday activities because of anxiety...

Went to the doc for the first time yesterday, heart rate jacked, he talked to me for about 20 min and decided to start me on 10mg paxil (generic) per day and klonopin as needed. I've taken 2 doses of the paxil so far and havent needed the klonopin yet. After doing some research im seeing lots of horror stories about paxil (bad side effects, nasty withdrawl, only effective if used long term).

I'm getting freaked out about it, I dont want to be on meds for years...especially not daily meds. Dont want my brain chemistry getting messed up and most of all dont want to end up more messed up than I started.

Seriously considering dropping the paxil, but then ill be back at square one and I finally got to the doctor after years of saying I would (no insurance is no fun). I just dont know what to do...should i do the 30 day paxil prescription and see what happens? is there even a point to doing it for such a short period? Try to get a less intense script from the doc? Just need some advice please...

09-17-2013, 06:32 PM
I feel the EXACT same way about meds! Worried about my brain chemistry getting messed, and ending up worse off..can't take meds at this point because of it.

My only advice would to maybe get a second opinion of a another DR? The Internet can be a helpful tool, but it can also freak us out way more than needed!

09-17-2013, 06:36 PM
Paxil is medicine belonging to a class of medications known as SSRIs. There are other medicines in this class for example Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Escitalopram etc. All are effective. You can ask your doc to put you on other ones. I recommend sertraline. You are correct in stating that people find Paxil hard to get off of. I think that Paxil is also cheaper than the other SSRIs. Klonopin is an excellent med.

09-17-2013, 08:29 PM
Cryfreedom give yourself a chance to recover, after some time on meds you will calm down and maybe go off. With good doctor the withdrawal can be controlled. I have been there and I know about withdrawal. Few months of relieve will let you to work on strategy. Klonopin ; clonazepam in Canada. I am on it on 0.5 mg a day, I work on afternoon so I take it before the work to take the edge. I actually do not feel any effect, but I am calmer. Doc started me on it and others too, two months ago and it works like a charm for me. Occasionally I need some ativan when the panic hits. I am also on Gabapentin and it seems to help. Fluoxetine is an excellent antidepressant, and usualy you do not need a huge dose. Do something with your anxiety otherwise it is going to ruin your life and relations with others. I am fighting with anxiety disorder at least 30 years, I have a lot of practice ;))