View Full Version : Just want to vent

09-17-2013, 01:15 PM
Hi everyone, I just want to vent about my bloomin' anxiety to people that understand. I was coping fine until two months ago and then I started to feel out of control. It only happens in the evening especially when I go to bed. My mind goes mad about all the negative things in the world and I start to feel tight chested and tense. I try breathing exercises but I have found an amazing aromatherapy mixture that I can sniff or roll onto my pillow to help me calm down. I've found that is best thing ever and really helps. My anxiety has recently be combined with a constant depression which is easy to mask at work but it is getting tougher. When I'm busy I'm find but when I am alone with my thoughts that's when I have problems. I try to hide it from my husband and he kind of understands my anxiety but I never let him see me down or upset. The stupid thing is that I have always been a tough cookie and now I feel so fragile yet I can't seem to get out if this hole. Anyway thanks for reading, rant over!

09-20-2013, 02:52 AM
Sometimes it's good to have a rant. I no what you mean about trying to appear normal all the time. It wears me down constantly. What are you using on your pillow please? I would like to try it as nighttime is the worst time for me also, I feel really alone when everyone is sleeping its frightening for me :-(

09-20-2013, 03:37 AM
Hi, I use a roller ball aromatherapy called De-Stress. It's made by a company called Tisserand and I've found it really helps me. You can get it in their website or on EBay.

09-20-2013, 04:44 AM
Thanks so much I'm going to give it go :-)