View Full Version : Possible OCD?

09-17-2013, 12:04 PM
I have this fear of the devil & demons. I am so scared of these things, I don't want to think about them. I'm trying to fight off the thoughts, but it gets stronger. You know how you try not think of things and they become more intense, well this is whats happening to me. It brings me great fear and paranoia. Is this a form of OCD? Does anyone else have these thoughts?

09-17-2013, 12:33 PM
I feel like how the heck did I become so sick from anxiety and panic disorder and depression...I have two gifts from GOD...so I call it the evil sickness..

09-17-2013, 12:34 PM
Lost weight...just hell...you just need to pray..God is greater!!!

09-17-2013, 12:49 PM
It depends if you believe in such things from a religious perspective or not. It could be your fears and worries from anxiety in general that are being given character in the form of a worry about devils and demons. I'm personally an athiest so i'm taking this from a rational perspective.

Firstly you can't fight fears and worries. This in itself stirs up more negative emotions. You will make yourself feel even more on edge, more tense, emotinal and above all; anxious.

It all depends on your perspective on the matter, but to be honest no higher power, drug or instant cure is really going to pluck you out of anxiety and let you wake up tomorrow feeling like your old self. Life doesn't work like that i'm afraid.

Anxiety takes weeks, months, even years to build up. If you're naturally a worrier, emotional and deal with stress and pressure quite badly, then it's only natural that there'll be times when you're prone to depression, anxiety and obsessive negative overthinking. You think yourself into a hole and gradually day by day you drift further from reality, you're penning your own nightmare, fixating on troubling thoughts, sensations or aches and pains coming from all this stress and worry. Your body and mind is screaming out for rest but you tend to pile worry after worry ontop of yourself until anything, not matter how obscure; such as devils and demons may appear very real in your life.

If you are struggling to cope speak to your Dr about therapy. Now being a Dr they'll probably try and push some pill on you, probably an SSRI. My thoughts on this is they're a crutch. I know for a fact medication won't cure you of anxiety. It may very well make you feel better. But the way you process fear, worry and stress will remain the same. The drugs simply altering your brain chemistry to stop such situations affecting you as severely. Not so much a cure as a band aid is it?

So speak to them about therapy, namely CBT. It's effective for OCD and Anxiety. It looks at the way you think and the negative thought patterns which are hindering you day to day and making the anxiety worse.

The road to recovery is a long one, if you believe in a god then take comfort in that but don't rely on anyone other than yourself to recover from anxiety. We often feel weak and helpless with anxiety but the fundamental thing to realize is this - anxiety doesn't control our lives. We control the anxiety, if we bestow no time, fear and worry to anxiety it has no fuel to burn and eventually; over months, sometimes years this fire of anxiety burns out. But it takes work and you have to keep at it.

So look into CBT and I hope you feel better soon.


09-17-2013, 12:57 PM
Omg ED.....I wish I could go by this..this anxiety had control of my life....I feel I am about to go crazy or end it ..the sad part is I loveeeeeeeeeeee my kids..mote then ever....my love is unimaginable...but this anxiety tooken over

09-17-2013, 12:59 PM
My eating..literally became bones...I lost my self over night.never had to take pills..now I am..wtf

09-17-2013, 01:02 PM
It takes practice. It took me 2.5 years of searching for a cure to finally realize all my aches and pains and symptoms that I got all over my body every hour of every day were ALL because of anxiety. Not allowing myself to think a pain was a cancer or hidden disease.

We are our own worst enemies when we spend all day in a fear and worry bubble. Read the stickies at the top of this forum. Read about anxiety and understand it. I was told the same thing by over 20 Dr's and GP's that it's jsut anxiety.

You know the saying - mind over matter? You're living it. Day in day out. If you spend all day fretting, panicking and worrying then what happens to the body? Aches, pains, weight loss, loss of appetite. The list for anxiety symptoms and pains is in the hundreds.

The sooner you remove the fear and worry day by day. The quicker the anxiety goes - day by day.


09-17-2013, 01:16 PM
My anxiety is I going crazy...that's it..I feel like I losing my mind...and causing me to not eat...I just think feel crazy...:_(

09-17-2013, 01:18 PM
Like q reailty....