View Full Version : Anyone else get jaw pain through clenching?

09-17-2013, 11:55 AM
I'm always suffering from tension headaches, jaw pain, ear ache and tooth pain. My dentist can't find anything and thinks its teeth grinding and clenching causing it. I got my splint today but it hurts my teeth, is that normal?

09-17-2013, 01:04 PM
Yes, i've had jaw pain lasting weeks at a time. He said I could be doing it in my sleep. But over time I gradually noticed I was doing it during the day time as well.

Here's the thing; don't fixate on it. Can be a tough feat to master but the more you fixate on a pain the longer it lasts, it sometimes feels worse. The more you fear the pain? Same thing. The more you fight it? Same thing.

So don't reach for painkillers or hunt for another possible caused of jaw pain on google or webmd. Accept it's anxiety and LET the pains come and go as they please. The less tension and negative emotions in your mind, the less tension and negative effects felt in your body.

Mind over matter. Feel better soon.


09-17-2013, 01:09 PM
Thanks ed its nice to no I'm not alone I'm hoping this mouth splint will work I notice I'm tensing all the time and have googled today and ended up with lymes disease lol. I will take your good advice thanks again :-) Hannah :-)

09-17-2013, 02:46 PM
I grind my teeth in my sleep and do clench without realising it, ive woken myself up grinding and have noticed that its a lot worse when my anxiety is high but ot does give me tension headache when ive been doing it x