View Full Version : To You

09-17-2013, 09:11 AM
To those afraid that they have a disease and cancer:

If you got yourself checked out and the doc gave the OK, you're fine. It's easy to obsess, but if you don't give in to the urge to Google or to explore your fears in your head, your worry about it will reduce greatly. You do NOT have cancer or a disease. Get out of the house and do things. Don't just sit there and freak yourself out.

WHAT IF YOU DID? Then you'd deal with it. You'd get treatment. You'd go through what thousands and thousands of people go through each year. You wouldn't be alone, and perhaps you'll get stronger. I know many people, including my dad, who have had or have cancer. You just deal with it. You have no choice. It is what it is. You survive.

To those of you who obsess about their heart:
[A] My heart feels like it's skipping!
[B] My heart is beating 180 bpm!
[C] My heart has pains! My chest has pains!
[D] My heart rate is really slow!

Yeah...it's called anxiety. Have you ever noticed just HOW many people post on here about that? REPEATEDLY? It's like the most common thing.
You're FINE except for the fact that you're GIVING YOURSELF THESE SYMPTOMS by worrying so much.
When you have anxiety or stress...Your body will FEEL like that. It just will. You're not having a heart attack. You're not dying.

Stop posting about it a thousand times and read old posts. Like it's been said so many times on this site. YOU'RE OKAY. Accept it. You're okay.
You're just experiencing symptoms of anxiety and making it 100x worse by obsessing.

09-17-2013, 09:27 AM
Once the thought is in your head though its frightening and all consuming its exhausting constantly living in fear. It doesn't help with the media constantly telling us how medical professionals have made mistakes and of people who die of freak ailments. My mam died when I was three from cancer she was 31. I'm getting closer to that age everyday which has started my anxiety. Nearly all the women in my family have had breast or cervical cancer at young ages between 30-50 years old. My doctor won't start checking me until I'm in my 40's for breast cancer! So yes I get scared I think people just like the reassurance, I no I do. That we aren't going through this alone and we aren't going to drop down dead like our brains are telling us I'm petrified on a daily basis and I'm exhausted by it. I no logically I'm not going to drop down dead, but once the thought is there it's near impossible to get rid of it!

09-17-2013, 09:46 AM
Once the thought is in your head though its frightening and all consuming its exhausting constantly living in fear. It doesn't help with the media constantly telling us how medical professionals have made mistakes and of people who die of freak ailments. My mam died when I was three from cancer she was 31. I'm getting closer to that age everyday which has started my anxiety. Nearly all the women in my family have had breast or cervical cancer at young ages between 30-50 years old. My doctor won't start checking me until I'm in my 40's for breast cancer! So yes I get scared I think people just like the reassurance, I no I do. That we aren't going through this alone and we aren't going to drop down dead like our brains are telling us I'm petrified on a daily basis and I'm exhausted by it. I no logically I'm not going to drop down dead, but once the thought is there it's near impossible to get rid of it!

If you have a family history they should be checking you earlier than 40. YOU have to be persistent though.

09-17-2013, 10:21 AM
I have been there is a blood test that tests if you have the gene but my doctor is reluctant and thinks its all because of my anxiety :-(

09-17-2013, 11:08 AM
I had chest pains and so I went to my doc and he said I was fine. There was nothing wrong with me. That was a week ago and since then it has been easier dealing with anxiety. I still get chest pains and other symptoms, but I'm MUCH calmer because I chose to listen to my doctor and fully trust in what he says...otherwise, I would be really freaking out right now.. I know it's easy to second guess and that things could be wrong, but I have to listen to my doc. I used to google symptoms too, but I don't dare do that anymore--it makes it much worse. When fear tries to creep into my head I tell it to get the f*** out. A better mindset is hard to create and maintain, but it's better than giving in to fear.