View Full Version : Work and Anxiety

09-17-2013, 05:35 AM
How does anxiety affect work life? I have always managed to just about cope for a few months but tend to have break downs and taking sick days every now and again. I work in a customer service position which I think makes my anxiety worse. I would love to break out of this line of work but without experience I don't know how to get myself into something more suitable. I tend to take work home in my mind and its turning into a constant nightmare in my mind.

09-17-2013, 05:49 AM
I have trouble with my job as well. I work in a hospital (which is my biggest fear) and I often take sick days too. Today is actually my first day back after being off for 7 days. I hit plateau's with my meds which makes it very difficult because then I am back at square one and have to work my way back to where I was. It's really frustrating!

09-17-2013, 06:31 AM
I've been off on the sick for 3 weeks with it. I'm fortunate in that my employer is supportive & there is a full pay policy up to 2 months accumulative. I have been completely debilitated by this I'm hoping to get some strength back, go back to work and manage it as best I can. I feel for people who have not got paid sick I don't know how they cope.

09-17-2013, 12:44 PM
I was a care assistant for many years and I also found that that line of work took its toll and so I can see how nursing may affect your anxiety. Thanks both of you for sharing. I just feel like Im trying to get through each day and Im always on the verge of collapse.

09-17-2013, 12:59 PM
I work in CS myself. In an office environment it's important to take your breaks outside. Get the sunlight and fresh air and exercise from walks. If you do feel stressed and your manager's konw about your anxiety ask to take 5.

Don't chug on too much, if any coffee or tea. Often people in offices live off the stuff - it doesn't help and will make you feel more on edge.

Look at your diet - this isn't an instant cure, but cutting out processed sugars and fats is of huge significance as is keeping hydrated with water. Fruit, raw veg, wholefoods etc. A healthy diet isn't as bad as everyone assumes. Worried about prep time to get your 5 fruit or veg a day? A morning smoothie and shapow you've had all 5 in under 10 mins.

Lastly look at where your fears and worries stem from. You've got to realize anxiety doesn't control your life. You control the anxiety; it feeds off the negativity, fears and worries we bestow upon it. The busier you are the less you tend to feel symptoms, pains and anxiety in general. Yes someitmes it strikes out of the blue but you must remember not to allow yourself to respond emotionally.

The body is giving out these symptoms and aches and pains as a response to? Fear and worry. What do anxious people do when they get these sensations? Fear and worry. See how counter intuitive that is?

Sometimes we need help - no not a magic pill from a dr, that simply plasters over anxiety and never fixes root causes. You need to look at the stresses and fears in your life. Read the stickies at the top of this general discussion forum to understand anxiety. Readf books or guides on anxiety or CBT worksheets (links in this forum or google search them).

Anxiety won't go overnight, it took months or years of bad stress management, worries and fear to manifest itself and it'll take months if not years to overcome it. The quicker you understadn anxiety and full accept it the quicker you remove the fear and worry. This is what anxiety feeds off of and without it and constant practice of rationalizing and not being emotive to thoughts and sensations of an anxious nature, the anxiety will gradually subside.

I hope you feel better soon. But I know how anxious you can feel in an office environment. I had many a panic attack in the office and so many sick days off. But don't practice safety behaviour in taking days off work. This only serves to empower the anxiety.
