View Full Version : Symptoms all day nearly every day.

09-17-2013, 04:25 AM
Hi, my first post. I have been suffering with anxiety of a year now, in the past it came waves of panic attacks which got under control. I did the usual of ECG, treadmill, 24 hour tape etc. All normal. Things have sort of evolved I took a really bad bout of lightheadedness, headache and generally feel ill & I constantly feel nervous. I have been off work for 3 weeks now and I have the odd good day & then a complete disaster with the symptoms....I get no peace from it until sleep.

I have a notion the symptoms should come & go like a panic attack. Is it possible to feel ill constantly for days?

If so what do you guys do about work? How do you cope?


09-17-2013, 04:46 AM
I feel like this too. I can constantly feel my symptoms. Sometimes I can ignore them if they're mild, but a lot of the time it is unbearable. This then often turns into a panic attack. It ruins pretty much every day. I wish I knew how to sort it out.

09-17-2013, 06:31 AM
Oh my gosh, don't worry.:) Anxiety can absolutely do that and it's not uncommon to have symptoms constantly. As long as that adrenaline is flowing, you're feeling the symptoms. By fearing them, you're telling your body that there's danger which in turn keeps your symptoms there.

09-17-2013, 10:49 AM
Have you consulted with a psychiatrist? He might be able to get you some medication to help stabilize you so you can be on the road to recovery