View Full Version : Anxiety about mom dieing...somebody help me

09-16-2013, 09:27 PM
Well let me start this off by saying I was doing so well with my pure O for a couple months. I did not obsess over anything. Now this shit happens and its causing me major anxiety and panic. Saw a movie and I saw how miserable the person was when he lost his mom. It touched me and made me think what if I lost my mom. Now I started panicking about how much older I am getting (22) and how time is literally flying by. And I keep thinking how much older my mom is (she is 52) and just obsessing about the time left. It saddens me because I know this is going to happen someday...but its causing me major distress even though I shouldnt be freaking out about this! I mean shit is 52 really considered old? Am I freaking out about nothing? I need help anxiety bros. :( Its kind of hard to shake this one off....

09-16-2013, 11:15 PM
I understand. For years my fear of parents dying has been a main source of anxiety for me. I set alarms to wake me up to check on them through the night when they're sleeping. I worry constantly. I know its not normal but i love them so much.

09-16-2013, 11:27 PM
Hi mglover. I can relate. It's hard not to worry about this because, as you say, you know you are going to lose your Mom one day, so this isn't one of those cases where we're worrying about something that probably won't happen. Your Mom isn't old, but we're all going to die and none of us know when or how. It's hard to live with that uncertainty! And losing a loved one really, really, really hurts. So I definitely don't think you're freaking out about nothing. It's just that freaking out about it doesn't change anything and only makes us feel worse. I would tell your Mom often how much you love her and and how important she is to you. And you could talk to her about your worries too. Other than that I would try really hard to distract yourself from dwelling too much on mortality. I know it's difficult, but those thoughts really take us to a dark place and that just make everything worse.

Wishing you many good times with your loved ones!

09-17-2013, 12:19 AM
I totally understand u. My biggest Fear is Death. My kids and Grandparents especially. My Son tried to commit Suicide 3 and a half yrs ago and I was a mess. Thanks to God he survived after two months in the Hospital and now he lives with disabilities but He's Here... I suffered from PTSD after that but I became a Christian during this because I needed some answers and I've began to understand things about death that I didn't know before. Not that it makes it any easier but I've learned not to make it my focus in Life. Now I do find myself starting to dwell on death at times but I catch myself and start doing something to occupy my mind. Worrying doesn't make death go away it just takes away from your happiness in your life that u can be sharing with the people your worrying about. I really hope this helps. I don't know if you believe in God but if you do, give all ur worries to him and pray, pray, pray...

09-17-2013, 05:56 AM
I'm around your age mglover, and I'm having the same problem..I have this deep rooted fear about loosing my parents. Every year I get older, is another year they get older and I constantly obsess over loosing the time I have with them--which is so ironic because me worrying about them is making it hard to enjoy the time I have with them. I feel bad for having to constantly make sure they are okay. And I wish I could just enjoy their company, but I have a terrible time accepting that things end..it's not normal, but it's what we have, so what I try to do is live in the moment and try to enjoy and soak up every ounce of their company--because it will end and accepting that there's nothing I can do makes it a little easier... there's never enough time, and it sucks, but I just try to love them, laugh and make some great memories that will last forever. I wish you the best! :)